Classes and training

SolideWorks1ArduinoClass SolideWorks2

SolderingSimonSaysNov2014 KiCADPCBTrainingNov2015 AppsArduinosSensors2016-1

AppsArduinosSensors2016-2 AppsArduinosSensors2016-3

Physics Department staff are happy to offer you training in special skills. Please contact the instructor to schedule.

Present classes

Past classes and miniclasses

Physics student shop

Please visit for information about machining. Try a small project there!

Outside classes and training

Get started coding with An Hour of Code, very fun, , and beyond, .

Course modules in interfacing devices at Internet of Things lab

Fab Academy classes

principles and practices, project management (Jan 29) computer-aided design (Feb 5) computer-controlled cutting (Feb 12) electronics production (Feb 19) 3D scanning and printing (Feb 26) electronics design (Mar 5) computer-controlled machining (Mar 12) embedded programming (Mar 19) molding and casting (Mar 26) input devices (Apr 2) composites (Apr 9) interface and application programming (Apr 16) mechanical design, machine design (Apr 23) output devices (Apr 30) networking and communications (May 7) applications and implications (May 14) invention, intellectual property, and income (May 21) project development (May 28) project presentation (Jun 4)

Please see the Sector67 free class list and the Chicago public library list at

Laser cutting on Epilog

Home Soldering1 Soldering2

None: Classes (last edited 2016-10-19 17:27:47 by DuncanCarlsmith)