Xbox Kinect for Instructional Labs


We can use commercial electronics to teach physics! The Xbox Kinect has a powerful suite of sensors (RGB camera, depth sensor, IR light source, 3-axis accelerometer and microphone). I'd like to get one of these as a development tool for the instructional labs.

I'd like to put together a small team to work on dissecting the Kinect and exploring how we might use it as a teaching tool. Specifically, I'd like to find what advantages/disadvantages the Kinect would have compared to our existing Pasco hardware. I'd also like to see what entirely new labs would be possible using this hardware.

Contact Brett Unks if interested.

Here's a paper

Using the Xbox Kinect sensor for positional data acquisition Jorge Ballester and Chuck Pheatt, Am. J. Phys. 81, 71 (2013) , -duncan

Super duper for Ahmed taking an interest in this. I posted above an American J of Physics article. To retrieve this, go to the physics library page, click on web of science and enter info or click on e-journals and select AJP and tunnel down. You will be asked for your NETID. If you need help, ask Kerry Kresse for how to search online. From web of science, you can enter stuff like Kinect Physics experiments and get other studies. Whatever you find, post to the project page.

This project could turn into an NSF funded endeavor.

Also, Ahmed, I definitely want to pull in people from the campus Games and Learning community on this one. AND I can connect you with the CAVE at WID, a 3d environment. They use some Xbox like stuff, do things like voice recognize when you say "find chairs" and do a google search and download and displays 3d model files. You use your virtual magic wand and a chair you select drops to the floor of the room with rudimentary bouncing physics. There are two great techies over there who could be a great resource.

Bai points out that leap motion beats xbox. Check out



Kinect Tutorial (C++)


None: Xbox Kinect for Instructional Labs (last edited 2014-07-16 18:44:13 by DuncanCarlsmith)