End-to-End Virtual Reality Solution Concept (2015)

A virtual reality camera system along with a cross-platform (iOS & Android) mobile VR viewer application, forms an end-to-end VR solution; from capture to viewing.


VirtualReality VirtualReality

About the Multi-Camera System

Captures monoscopic video in 360 degrees horizontal and ~170 degrees vertical. Six individual streams are stitched and blended together into a cohesive panoramic video by an algorithm that utilizes feature detection and homographies. 4K Demo Footage (twirlable video on YouTube requires Chrome since Google owns Youtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM7lKqry0ZM


Mobile VR Viewer Application


Mobile Application Description

Exhibit is a hybrid, cross-platform mobile application that explores the new and exciting virtual reality experience of viewing homes, apartments and new properties. With a few swipes, users can navigate an intuitive search feature and instantly find themselves standing in the room they want to see via photosphere or videosphere. Users can look around as if they're actually at the property which is made possible through the sophisticated use of gyroscopic sensors and projective geometry. For sellers, adding or modifying listings happens instantly and easily through a Parse database. From home owners to budding and mature businesses, Exhibit aims to bring the best places, to the best people, in the best way.

To Preview the app

  1. Install Ionic View on your iOS or Android mobile phone
  2. Login with user "tsao@cs.wisc.edu" and password "demo"

  3. Tap Exhibit and download files
  4. Tap view and find a listing that interests you
  5. Tap the listing and put your phone into a cardboard viewer

  6. Enjoy your VR experience!

3D Printing

Camera mount printed on a Makerbot Replicator 2 with Red PLA. The mount takes 4 hours to print if things go smoothly! Messed up twice 1/4 of the way in on the Rostock Max V2 as the mount is relatively large for the printer and would begin curling at the edges from non-uniform heating or something.

VirtualReality VirtualReality



Virtual reality including the time dimension - synthetic video for virtual reality on a cell phone.

See story at http://www.wkow.com/story/30139090/2015/09/29/students-create-inventions-of-the-future-in-uw-madison-garage


Poster at ICCP, Northwestern U, May 2016


None: Virtual Reality (last edited 2016-05-18 01:02:31 by DuncanCarlsmith)