
ToothbrushElevator Zerosort


“...meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

This project supports ECE 379 – WI Make Sustainability, a pilot interdisciplinary makerspace centered class on sustainability using Garage Physics (Fall 2013) meeting in Garage M 3-5pm by Prof. Duncan Carlsmith (duncan@hep.wisc.edu, physics), Prof. Erica Halverson ( erhalverson@education.wisc.edu, education), and Prof. Giri Ventkataramanan (giri@engr.wisc.edu, electrical engineering) with assistants Tyler Graf (tgraf2@wisc.edu, mechanical eng.), Jennifer Lacy (jlacy@wisc.edu, education), Matthew Ebert (mebert@wisc.edum physics), and Ian Wisher (wisher@wisc.edu, physics). Contact Prof. Giri Ventkataramanan to enroll.

This class and project supports sustainability locally and world wide and the mission of the UW-Madison Office of Sustainability:

"The University of Wisconsin–Madison is embarking on an ambitious plan to integrate and enhance research and education thrusts in sustainability science and practice across all parts of campus. The University has a long history of scholarship in a broad range of topics relevant to sustainability, ranging from using recycled industrial materials in infrastructure to ensuring the sustainability of rural agricultural communities.

Creating solutions to the sustainability challenges of the future will require integrated teams and a comprehensive approach that address coupled sustainability problems such as water, finance, energy, health, food and community. Addressing these challenges in practice will require an educated workforce that has been trained to consider sustainability broadly."

Get involved and informed by attending events of the student sustainability council http://sustainability.wisc.edu/opportunities/student-engagement/. Start an R&D project in the Garage.

Watch podcast about the class: "Sound Engineering: Hands-on sustainability" http://www.engr.wisc.edu/news/archive/2013/dec13.html

See warmup ideas, resources, and suggested projects below.

Social networks

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education

LinkedIn group http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=165243&trk=anet_ug_hm&goback=.anb_165243_*2_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aasheorg

Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/aasheorg

Twitter https://twitter.com/aashenews

ECE 379 WI Make Sustainability


TylerGrafJenniferLacy SireProjects


Course description

0.1 INSTRUCTORS Giri Venkataramanan 1437 Engineering Hall 608-262-4479, giri@engr.wisc.edu Duncan Carlsmith 4285 Chamberlin Hall (608) 262-2485, duncan@hep.wisc.edu Erica Halverson 556B Teacher Education Building (608)262-5210, erhalverson@education.wisc.edu 0.2 TEACHING ASSISTANTS Tyler Graf, tgraf2@wisc.edu Jennifer Lacy, jlacy@wisc.edu 0.3 COURSE ACTIVITIES Course participants will meet weekly at 3:00 p.m. at the Physics Garage, https://wiki.physics.wisc.edu/garage/. Students should join the Physics Garage by registering using the instructions at https://wiki.physics.wisc.edu/garage/About%20Garage%20Physics.

Weekly assignments and activities will focus on skills development towards ‘making’ prototype artifacts aimed at sustainability of the human enterprise. Reference and study material will be developed as necessary during the course of the semester.

At the completion of the students should be able to

1. Understand the role of maker-action projects in sustainable habitat development

2. Learn about conception, design and implementation of human-scale sustainability projects

3. Learn the hands-on action skills required to implement selected development projects

4. Prepare to develop and implement project to build a design prototype using ‘maker’ tools such as Arduino, Raspberry PI, Solid modeling, 3-D printer, etc.


Periodic lectures/discussion will be led by campus and community experts who are working on sustainability projects in dimensions that include solar energy, wind energy, gray water use, anaerobic composting, green house lighting, bio-diesel, bicycle safety, etc.

In parallel with the lectures, student team will select a project from a selection of sustainability themed topics, develop and complete a prototype during the course of the semester. Course projects will relate to projects aimed at sustainability at large – such as water use reduction, energy generation from renewable energy sources, building energy use reduction, sustainable transportation, low input agriculture, etc. Student team will select one or more projects, develop and complete an implementation plan for the system at a particular field location accessible to campus. Student team will also develop a concept plan for a developing a ‘maker infrastructure’ to enable students to access and use various ‘maker’ facilities that exist across campus. Course grades will be based on completion and demonstration of term project, and a reflection paper on the relationship between maker experiences and sustainable habitat realization.


1. Sector 67 – Chris Meyer

2. Tools for sustainable agricultural practices – Dave Bohnhoff

3. Campus waste management – Frank Kooistra

4. Transportation – Bike accessories

5. Aquaponic systems – Wally Graeber

6. Occupy Madison – Tiny homes project

7. … as appropriate to the project


Sept 9 - Propose project ideas

Sept 16 - Select projects, complete appropriate safety training

Sept 23 - Compile skills inventory

Sept 30 - Compile resources/material inventory

Oct 7 - Develop design, acquire skills

Oct 14 - Identify material sources

Nov 4 - Initiate fabrication

Dec 2 - Complete fabrication

Dec 9 - Demonstrate prototype

Warmup ideas

Upcycling and other ideas http://earth911.com/tech/

Check out Startuply. Click on "startup companies" then select "cleantech." http://www.startuply.com/Startups/

Check out a WANDA report on greening the Middle east: http://www.wamda.com/2013/06/csr-a-tool-for-sustainable-development-in-the-middle-east-report

Southeastern universities Clean Energy Challenge http://www.accnrg.com/

SBIR awards in energy http://www.sbir.gov/sbirsearch/technology?term=energy

The next bright idea: Microbe-powered ‘Biobulb’ earns WID students spot in Popular Science magazine competition: http://wid.wisc.edu/featured-science/the-next-bright-idea-microbe-powered-biobulb-earns-uw-students-spot-in-popular-science-magazine-competition/ and see bioluminescence under Projects.

App writer? Check out and submit existing and needed green apps at http://www.epa.gov/greenapps/existing_apps.html http://www.epa.gov/greenapps/ideas.html

Subscribe to the UW sustainability news: http://sustainability.wisc.edu/news-and-events/new-sustainability-newsletter-sign-up/


Sustainability definitions, metrics http://www.sustainableorganizations.org/context-based-metrics-in-public-domain.html

UW Food Science Sustainability https://mywebspace.wisc.edu/groups/food_sustainability/

Ag Innovation background references


UW-Madison Office of Sustainability http://sustainability.wisc.edu/

UW-Milwaukee Office of Sustainability http://www4.uwm.edu/pps/Sustainability/

WE CONSERVE http://conserve.wisc.edu/hm.html

Energy on Wisconsin UW Extension http://energyonwi.uwex.edu/

Energy Hub http://www.uwehub.org/

Zero net energy http://www4.uwm.edu/shwec/zeronetenergy/index.cfm

Solid and hazardous waste education center http://www4.uwm.edu/shwec/

UW-Madison sustainability project studying the human component of green buildings http://www.engr.wisc.edu/news/archive/2012/Sept26a.html

UW-Madison Experts in Sustainabilty http://experts.news.wisc.edu/experts/tag/262-sustainability

UW System faculty in sustainability management http://sustain.wisconsin.edu/degrees-and-certificates/bachelors-certificate/faculty.aspx

UW Student organization REthink Wisconsin http://rethinkwisconsin.org/

Sea Grant Institute, Science for the sustainabile use of Great Lakes resources http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/home/

Madison and WI

Leonardo Academy http://www.leonardoacademy.org/

Wisconsin Green Building Alliance http://wgba.shuttlepod.org/

Growing food and sustainability http://growingfoodandsustainability.wordpress.com/

ENACT: Steps to Greener Living http://www.enactwi.org/

Growing Power http://www.macfound.org/fellows/70/, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Allen_%28urban_farmer%29, http://www.growingpower.org/

Federal and beyond

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education http://www.aashe.org/index.php

Higher Education Association Sustainability Consortium http://heasc.aashe.org/content/heasc-resource-center

US Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy http://www.eere.energy.gov/

USAID Development Innovation Ventures http://www.usaid.gov/div

Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN) http://www.usaid.gov/hesn

NSF Sustainable Energy Pathways program http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2011/nsf11590/nsf11590.htm

Resources for energy education http://inside.mines.edu/~rsnieder/Energy_resources.html

Environmental Science and Technology and EST Letters http://pubs.acs.org/journal/esthag e.g. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ez4000059

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education http://www.aashe.org/index.php

National Environmental Education Act of 1990 http://www2.epa.gov/education/national-environmental-education-act

US EPA Education http://www2.epa.gov/education

US EPA Sustainable Practices Science Resources http://www2.epa.gov/science-and-technology/sustainable-practices-science-resources

Buildings, Industry, Transportation and Electricity Scenarios Tool BITES http://bites.nrel.gov

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network http://cleanet.org

Energy Information Administration http://eia.gov

Energy Education and Workforce Development http://eere.energy.gov

US Partnerships http://www.uspartnership.org/main/show_passage/54

Sustainability improves student learning http://serc.carleton.edu/sisl/sustain_in_physics.html

Classes and programs


ECE 379 – WI Make Sustainability, a pilot interdisciplinary makerspace centered class on sustainability using Garage Physics (Fall 2013) by Prof. Duncan Carlsmith (duncan@hep.wisc.edu), Prof. Erica Halverson ( erhalverson@education.wisc.edu), Prof. Giri Ventkataramanan, giri@engr.wisc.edu) Contact Prof. Giri Ventkataramanan to enroll.

Sustainable Energy Seminar Series: Exploring Solutions Small and Large https://energy.wisc.edu/sustainable-energy-seminar?utm_source=Public%3A+Upcoming+Events&utm_campaign=WEI+Public+Events+reminder&utm_medium=email

Physics 115 Energy MWF 11am-11:50am Chamberlin 2241

Global Climate and Energy Project Energy 101 Tutorials http://gcep.stanford.edu/learn/energy101.html

Great Lakes Energy Biofuels course http://www.glbrc.org/education/programs/sustainable-biofuels-course

UW-Madison Certificate in Engineering for Energy Sustainability http://energy.wisc.edu/education/energy-certificate

UW-Madison Master of Engineering in Sustainability http://sse.engr.wisc.edu/

Search for other UW classes with keywords "energy" and "sustainability" https://portal.isispub.wisc.edu:7052/psp/public/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/COMMUNITY_ACCESS.CLASS_SEARCH.GBL and http://sustain.wisconsin.edu/degrees-and-certificates/bachelors-certificate/curriculum-and-courses.aspx

Madison and WI

Edgewood College Sustainability Leadership Program http://www.edgewood.edu/Academics/Graduate/Sustainability.aspx

UW System Sustainable management certificate and masters program http://sustain.wisconsin.edu/degrees-and-certificates/

Outside WI

Biomimicry education resources and curricula http://ben.biomimicry.net/curricula-and-resources/university-curricula/

MCAD Summer Biomimetic Design Class http://ben.biomimicry.net/uni/2013/mcad-offers-summer-biomimetic-design-class/, http://mcad.edu/course/biomimicry-designers-sd-6611

Santa Fe Institute Global Sustainability Summer School http://www.santafe.edu/education/schools/global-sustainability/

Harvard Business School cases https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/search?term=sustainability&navigation=

Energy Efficiency Fundamentals and other online training https://www.nterlearning.org/web/guest/course-details?cid=711

Campus Sustainability Study Abroad Programs http://www.aashe.org/resources/study-abroad-programs-sustainability

ICT Sustainability: Assessment and Strategies for a Low Carbon Future http://www.tomw.net.au/ict_sustainability/introduction.shtml

Research Programs and Funding sources


DoE Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative http://www1.eere.energy.gov/energymanufacturing/funding_opportunities.html

UW Madison student green fund http://sustainability.wisc.edu/news-and-events/associated-students-of-madison-approves-2015-green-fund/


Agricultural Innovation Prize (UW-madison, national) http://www.agprize.com/information-for-the-public/about-us/

DoE Solar Decathalon competition: http://www.solardecathlon.gov/about.html.

Biomimicry Design Challenge: opportunities for students to work in interdisciplinary teams to apply biomimicry concepts and tools as a means to arrive at sustainable and innovative designs. http://biomimicry.net/educating/university-education/student-design-challenge/

Greener gadgets http://www.greenergadgets.org/, http://www.solarfeeds.com/the-10-coolest-green-gadgets-for-2012/

US Government competitions list (buildings, environment, sustainability, geothermal, hydrogen, solar, tech, wind) http://www1.eere.energy.gov/education/university_competitions.html

Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award http://www.aashe.org/about/aashe-awards/student-research, http://www.aashe.org/about/aashe-awards

Buckminster Fuller Institute Design Challenge http://challenge.bfi.org/ideaindex

U.S. EPA in Sustainability for College Students http://epa.gov/ncer/p3/multimedia/index.html#2012winners, http://epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2014/2014_p3.html#!

Green Challenge http://www.greenchallenge.info/info/finalists "The Postcode Lottery Green Challenge is one of the world's largest competitions in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship."

Suggested projects/areas to consider

A sustainable instructional and recreational courtyard between Chamberlin and Sterling

See project Hammocks! Hammocks!

Waste processing technology evaluation

Are any new commercial waste processing technologies viable for UW-Madison or for Madison? http://advancedbiofuelsassociation.com/members.php

1) General trash gasification - The Sierra Group FastOx Pathfinder http://www.sierraenergycorp.com/ http://www.sierraenergycorp.com/fastox-pathfinder/

Trash Into Gas, Efficiently? An Army Test May Tell -http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/18/business/trash-into-gas-efficiently-an-army-test-may-tell.html?pagewanted=1&nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20130818&_r=0

2) Biomass (wood/leaves) to gasoline and diesel Kior Inc http://www.kior.com/

3) Biomass to ethanol http://www.ineos.com/en/businesses/INEOS-Bio/

Smart trash

What do you think would happen if your trash can had an electronic lock only you and the trash truck could open and an rf tag ID to identify it as yours and you paid by the pound for trash removal as measured by and identified by the truck and were billed like for electricity and water? You would buy bulk, avoid and reuse containers. Cut trash a factor of two before it is even purchased? Retailers would accommodate. It would be a fair system that could pay for itself. The lock option is for those who leave trash bins out and worry others would fill their bins. The cheapest solution is just to mail out rf tags on license plate registration-like stickers and have the truck read them then bill on number of pick-ups. The consumer would fill the bin full to reduce the number of pick-ups and charges so weighing is unnecessary. Many consumers keep trash bins in garages so security is not an issue for them. Just add an rf scanner to each truck - end of story.

UW Madison first? Ideas for a premium solar powered with built in scale trash can that tell the user the weight? (Must not be adjustable by the user!) Shows a smiley face when empty that turns into a frown? A built in scale could wirelessly transmit the weight to the city so the truck wouldn't stop unless necessary. Or the user could push a request pickup button when it is full and it could broadcast that request wirelessly immediately to the city and the city route trucks accordingly.

Other smart trashcans:

Big Belly: http://bigbellysolar.com/, http://thinkgreen.com/point-of-view?pid=13 There are issues... People whine about these in Philly. Plus this doesn't reduce trash. It is a trash enabling technology.

Green inventors: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OrTA57alO0k&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DOrTA57alO0k

Thought: A public smart trashcan for plastic/glass/metal that would sense and ONLY accept plastic/glass/metal. If you tried to put in the wrong material, it would groan, frown, upchuck...

Inspiration: A trash continent in the pacific gyre: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_garbage_patch, http://maryeaudet.hubpages.com/hub/Pacific-Ocean-Garbage-Patch-


'No thanks, I don't want a receipt." So the Grainger cafeteria cash register receipts are not wanted and not recyclable, the attendants tell me. Hmm. New ink needed? Or better of course an all electronic option, e.g. view this here image of a recipt and take a phone photo yourself if you need to, or give us your email address and we will send it to you. Or do we all have to wait for APPLE etc to provide their answer? See 'Receipts' project.


Sensor-equipped construction helmet can detect carbon monoxide http://www.rdmag.com/news/2013/08/sensor-equipped-construction-helmet-can-detect-carbon-monoxide?et_cid=3431513&et_rid=517740405&type=headline

Huh.. How might you use new miniature sensors? What would you love to imagine detecting/sensing?

DustDuino: A plan to crowdsource environmental reporting with low-cost dust sensors http://cucfablab.org/book/dustduino-plan-crowdsource-environmental-reporting-low-cost-dust-sensors

Nodes for journalists: a primer on bringing sensor data to the reporter http://www.mentalmunition.com/2013/01/nodes-for-journalists-primer-on.html

River DAQ - A Hydrolic Analysis Tool (Could use in the Sugar River) http://cucfablab.org/book/river-daq-hydrolic-analysis-tool


Electrical Circuit Runs Entirely Off Power In Trees http://www.gizmag.com/tree-powered-electricity/12772/, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/09/090908151330.htm , http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/abstractReferences.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6306957&queryText%3Dtree+electricity+university+of+washington

Combined and micro power systems

Micro power system - low voltage power from cooking stove. (see Thermoelectric Devices under projects https://wiki.physics.wisc.edu/garage/Thermoelectric%20devices)

Truly micro refrigeration - refrigeration from cooking stove. http://www.ted.com/talks/adam_grosser_and_his_sustainable_fridge.html

Micro combined heat and power -

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro_combined_heat_and_power http://www.marathonengine.com/


Einstein's refrigerator - http://www-old.me.gatech.edu/energy/andy_phd/one.htm#I

Clip-on wind turbine aims to supplement solar panels http://www.gizmag.com/wind-turbines-for-solar-panels/28527/

A New Energy Paradigm: Microgrids http://www.biotech.wisc.edu/webcams/?lecture=20130501_1900

Thermoacoustic devices

Ben and Jerry's went to thermoacoustic green refrigerators thanks to Penn State University: http://www.acs.psu.edu/thermoacoustics/refrigeration/benandjerrys.htm

Cooking with sound: new stove/generator/refrigerator combo aimed at developing nations http://arstechnica.com/uncategorized/2007/05/new-stove-generator-refrigerator-combo-aimed-at-developing-nations/

Green Technology for Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration that uses Thermoacoustic Technology http://www.coolsound.us/

A sound way to turn heat into electricity http://phys.org/news100141616.html


Hilsch-Ranque Vortex Tube http://www.oberlin.edu/physics/catalog/demonstrations/thermo/vortextube.html http://www.exair.com/en-US/Primary%20Navigation/Products/Vortex%20Tubes%20and%20Spot%20Cooling/Vortex%20Tubes/Pages/Vortex%20Tube.aspx

Acoustics resources: http://www.acoustics.org/journals.html , http://acousticalsociety.org/, Handbook of Engineering Acoustics Müller, Gerhard; Möser, Michael (online, UW Library)

1d, 2d, 3d printing

See project 3D Printing.


Hey, is there a way for the consumer to feed empty plastic bottles directly into a 3d printer? Here's a concept for turning coffee grounds into ink http://www.core77.com/greenergadgets/entry.php?projectid=38#img112

See http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rocknail/filabot-plastic-filament-maker

Sustainability analysis of 3d-printing http://www.mtu.edu/news/stories/2013/october/story97966.html


Environmentally friendly battery made from wood http://www.rdmag.com/news/2013/07/environmentally-friendly-battery-made-wood?et_cid=3386363&et_rid=517740405&type=cta , Tin Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries Using Natural Wood Fiber as a Mechanical Buffer and Electrolyte Reservoir

Lignin: http://www.ornl.gov/ornl/news/news-releases/2013/ornl-team-uses-lignin-to-power-green-battery

Supercapacitors: See Projects page.


A direct thin-film path towards low-cost large-area III-V photovoltaics http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130724/srep02275/full/srep02275.html

Plastic solar cells’ new design promises bright future http://www.rdmag.com/news/2013/08/plastic-solar-cells%E2%80%99-new-design-promises-bright-future?et_cid=3423200&et_rid=517740405&type=cta

NRL develops low-cost, high-efficiency solar sensor http://www.rdmag.com/news/2013/08/nrl-develops-low-cost-high-efficiency-solar-sensor?et_cid=3419079&et_rid=517740405&type=cta


World-changing technology enables crops to take nitrogen from the air http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/07/130725125024.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Science+News%29 , http://www.rdmag.com/news/2013/07/technology-could-enable-all-crops-take-nitrogen-air?et_cid=3390276&et_rid=517740405&type=cta

The Land Institute http://www.landinstitute.org/vnews/display.v/SEC/Publications%3E%3EScience

Battery free wireless communication (scavaging the airwaves)

Wireless Devices Go Battery-Free With New Communication Technique http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130813130328.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Science+News%29 http://www.washington.edu/news/2013/08/13/wireless-devices-go-battery-free-with-new-communication-technique/

Crowd sourcing with mobile devices - what could YOU do?

Crowdsourcing Weather Using Smartphone Batteries http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130813121620.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Science+News%29

Archetecture - Air conditioning, lighting,...

AC demand in developing countries could put chill on energy supply http://www.rdmag.com/news/2013/08/ac-demand-developing-countries-could-put-chill-energy-supply?et_cid=3419079&et_rid=517740405&type=headline

BIOMIMETIC ARCHITECTURE: Green Building in Zimbabwe Modeled After Termite Mounds http://inhabitat.com/building-modelled-on-termites-eastgate-centre-in-zimbabwe/

Top ten Green buildings http://www.gizmag.com/aia-top-ten-green-buildings-2013/27215/

New skylight scoops up daylight http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130820185347.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Science+News%29

Luminanet - bringing off-grid LED lighting to the 3rd world http://luminanet.org/


Biomimicry's surprising lessons from nature's engineers http://www.ted.com/talks/janine_benyus_shares_nature_s_designs.html

Making stuff smarter, NOVA on biomimicry http://video.pbs.org/video/1786635771/?starttime=3188000

Drinking water

'Super sand' for better purification of drinking water http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110622102831.htm

Plasma-treated nano filters help purify world water supply http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130821094933.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Science+News%29

UW LED for water purification (Rayvio) http://www.electronicsnews.com.au/features/uv-led-for-water-purification-and-disinfection , http://www.bridgelux.com/technology/, http://www.yeby.org/home.htm


Gray water http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2009/02/06/grey-water-toilet-sy.html

Smart sprinkler http://www.asee.org/public/conferences/20/papers/6934/view

Other: rethinking life, and death!

New app provides green fuel map for the U.S. http://www.leonardoacademy.org/newsandevents/press-release/495-leonardo-academy-develops-alternative-fuel-locator-app-free-download.html

Greenbutts cigarette filters sprout flowers when planted http://www.green-butts.com/

Resomation and corpse-composting: green alternatives to cremation and burial http://www.gizmag.com/resomation-corpse-composting-green-burial/15603/

Green burial project developing corpse-eating mushrooms http://www.gizmag.com/infinity-burial-project-developing-tissue-digesting-mushrooms/19385/

Fashion: Vapor Apparel spins trash into sustainable fashion

Advanced Denim process makes blue jeans “greener” http://www.gizmag.com/advanced-denim/23023/

None: Sustainability (last edited 2017-05-17 15:56:09 by DuncanCarlsmith)