LivingPantryPoster (Energy Hub poster, Dec. '13)

greenhouse1.jpeggreenhouse2.jpeg LivingPantryEHub

(Prototype Nov 2013 , Front and side views, and Energy Hub operating prototype)

Living Pantry

Innovators: Kelly Kayser, Sarah Murphy, Nathan Little, Matthew Stumpf

Our project aims to make fresh and healthy produce more accessible to the masses and reduce the distance from garden to table. Our team is working to develop a tool that gives the user the convenience of in-home technology with the addition of sustainability. With an easily available source of fresh produce right in the home, this greenhouse helps to reduce the amount of food being transported and packaged around the world, which means less oil and gasoline is being used in the vehicles used to transport the food and less packaged waste. This indoor greenhouse will make it easy and efficient for the average homeowner to grow produce in one’s own kitchen throughout the year. Implemented in this greenhouse is a hydroponic system, which uses nutrient rich water to grow the plants. This means homeowners can say goodbye to dirt, because the Living Pantry is all water and produce.


project timeline & milestones (report and presentation, etc)

September 29 - October 5 · Decided upon greenhouse location – inside or outside· Decide upon greenhouse shape· Decide upon materials used to build house· Draw layout of greenhouse 2-Dimentionally. MILESTONE : 2-D layouts

October 6 - October 12 · Use 2-D greenhouse layout to create a 3 dimensional rendering· Calculate out exact amount of materials being used.· Calculate material cost. MILESTONES: Cost sheet and 3-D rendering

October 13 - October 26 · Purchase materials needed for greenhouse.· Build frame· Install water piping.· Learn about and begin control system and wiring. MILESTONE: Framing completed

October 27 - November 9 · Install paneling and heat lamps.· Continue work on control system.

November 10 – December 7 · Finish and install control system.· Finish prototype. Begin error testing and problem solving. MILESTONE: Finished Prototype

December 6 · Present the Living Pantry at "The Secret Life of Energy: Waste". MILESTONE: Practice Presentation at Energy Hub Event

December 8 - December 14 · Present finished project. MILESTONE: Presentation

summary of sources

resources needed

None: Personal Greenhouse (last edited 2013-12-09 18:41:09 by DuncanCarlsmith)