PIRA classification 6F
Grayed Demos are either not available or haven't been built yet. |
6F10. Synthesis and Analysis of Color
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
6F10.10 |
color box |
A commercial Singerman box projects blue, red, and green light onto a screen with individually variable intensity. |
6F10.10 |
color box |
Overlap red, green, and blue light of adjustable intensity on a translucent screen. |
6F10.10 |
color box |
The Welch color box shows the addition of the primary colors. |
6F10.10 |
additive color mixing |
Mix red, green, and blue in a color box. |
6F10.11 |
color addition |
Red, green, and blue lamps shine from the corners of a white triangle. A rod or rods are placed on the screen to show the colors of shadows. |
6F10.12 |
cenco color apparatus |
The primary colors can be projected onto a screen. |
6F10.13 |
color synthesizer |
A color synthesizer allows demonstration of the significance of dominate wavelength, purity, luminosity, etc. |
6F10.15 |
color addition |
Wratten filters Nos. 19, 47, and 61 are used to make a slide with 1/3 of a circle of each color. A projection arrangement shows the combination of colors and division of light between the separate colors. |
6F10.16 |
color projector |
Adapting a lantern slide projector for mixing primary colors. |
6F10.17 |
projecting colors |
Many color demonstrations are performed with a slide projector and slides reflected off swivel mirrors. |
6F10.18 |
lantern slide colors |
A diffraction grating is held in front of a lantern projector with seven slits, one side with primary additive colors, the other with subtractive, and the center white. |
6F10.20 |
color filters |
Cyan, magenta, and yellow filters are available as loose squares or fixed in a plexiglass holder for use on the overhead projector. |
6F10.22 |
dichromatic primary pairs |
Discussion of the standard light addition, subtraction, as they relate to two color mixing. |
6F10.23 |
artist's colors |
On why artists use red, yellow, and blue instead of red, green, and blue. |
6F10.23 |
artist's colors - letter |
Hey guys, artists use pigments, not light, and anyway the subtractive primary colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow. Information of 4-color printing and real artist's pigments too. |
6F10.25 |
synthesis of colors |
A disc with colored sectors appears white when rotated. |
6F10.25 |
spinning color discs |
Disks with colored sectors are spun until the colors blend together. |
6F10.25 |
Newton's color disc |
A spinning disc of colored sectors appears white. |
6F10.26 |
weird slit with Hg light |
A slit and "inverted slit" used with Hg and a prism produce the normal line spectra and "inverted spectrum" of complementary colors. |
6F10.30 |
recombining the spectrum |
Recombine the spectrum after passing through a prism to get white light or remove a color and get the complement. |
6F10.30 |
recombining colors |
Recombining dispersed light after reflecting out various colors, etc. |
6F10.30 |
recombining the spectrum |
Obtain a spectrum with a prism, reflect out a color with a small thin mirror, and recombine the light with a lens. |
6F10.33 |
purity of the spectrum |
A second prism at right angles bends each color without dispersion. |
6F10.35 |
splitting and recombining |
A half spectrum filter splits out light from a beam which is then recombined at a spot. |
6F10.36 |
dispersion and recombination |
Several variations of recombining dispersed light from a prism. |
6F10.45 |
red and green |
6F10.45 |
complementary shadow |
Shadows of red and white lights illuminating the same object from different angles appear to produce green light. |
6F10.50 |
filtered spectrum |
Part of a beam of white light is projected through a prism. When a filter is inserted in the beam, the spectrum and transmitted light are compared. |
6F10.51 |
liquid cell absorption |
An absorbing solution is placed in a liquid cell placed in a beam of light before dispersion. |
6F10.52 |
plotting absorption |
A motor drive is connected to a grating and the output of a lead sulfide detector is plotted on a strip chart recorder as the spectrum is scanned with various filters and intensities. Reference: AJP 35(6),542-3. |
6F10.52 |
spectra and liquid absorption |
Absorption cells filled with liquids are used with a 35 mm projector and the B & L spectra projection kit. |
6F10.52 |
filtergraph |
A slide with four filters and the corresponding spectrographic diagrams. |
6F10.54 |
photocell measurement of absorption |
Use suitable sources, cells, and filters to measure absorption of substances with a photocell. |
6F10.55 |
band absorption spectrum |
A flask of nitrous oxide is placed in the beam of white light before dispersion by a prism spectroscope. Didymium glass and dilute blood are also suggested. |
6F10.56 |
absorption spectrum of chlorophyll |
Show the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll obtained by macerating leaves in methyl alcohol. Red and Green transmit. |
6F10.57 |
water absorption bands |
A monochrometer (38-5.11) is used to demonstrate water absorption bands. |
6F10.61 |
metal films and dyes |
A thin film of gold transmits green but looks reddish-yellow by reflection. Dyes also transmit and reflect different colors. |
6F10.65 |
dichromatism |
Green cellophane transmits more red light than green. Stack lots of sheets and the color of transmitted light changes from green to red. |
6F10.70 |
three conditions for color |
The three conditions are: Color must be in the source, the object must reflect or transmit the color, the detector must be sensitive to the color. Shine different colored light at different colored objects. |
6F10.71 |
color due to absorption |
Light from a projection lantern reflected off red, green, and blue glass to the ceiling is the same but the transmitted light is colored by absorption. |
6F10.75 |
colored yarn |
Skeins of colored yarn are illuminated with different colored light. |
6F10.75 |
colors in spectral light |
A rose is viewed in white, red, green, and blue light. |
6F10.80 |
complementary color transitions |
Lecture room experiments are proposed which demonstrate complementary color transitions due to complementary boundary conditions at the aperture. |
6F30. Dispersion
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
6F30.10 |
dispersion curve of a prism |
Light passes through a grating and then through a second slit at right angles and a prism generating a dispersion curve in color on the screen. |
6F30.15 |
deviation with no dispersion |
Light passed through oppositely pointed crown and flint glass prisms adjusted to give light deviated in two directions but with no dispersion. |
6F30.20 |
dispersion with no deviation |
Light passes through prisms of crown and flint glass adjusted to give two beams of the same dispersion but different deviation. |
6F30.30 |
anomalous dispersion of fuchsin |
Overcoming the difficulties of showing anomalous dispersion with fuchsin. |
6F30.30 |
anomalous dispersion of sodium |
An absorption cell for the anomalous dispersion of sodium is described. Diagrams, Construction details in appendix, p.1354. |
6F30.31 |
bending dark absorption line of Na |
When salt is heated on a flame in the path of a narrow beam of light before dispersion, the edges of the spectrum close to the dark band bend up or down. |
6F30.50 |
optical ceramics: dispersion |
A custom fabricated prism made from LaSFN-9 glass shows a cutoff between transmission and total internal reflection that can be tuned through the visible spectrum by turning the prism. |
6F40. Scattering
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
6F40.10 |
sunset |
Pass abeam of white light through a tank of water with scattering centers from a solution of oil in alcohol. |
6F40.10 |
sunset |
pira200 |
A beam of white light is passed through a tank of water and a solution of cedarwood oil in alcohol is poured in to create scattering centers. |
6F40.10 |
artifical sunset |
Pass a beam through a hypo solution and add acid. |
6F40.11 |
sunset |
Light scattering with a hypo solution. |
6F40.11 |
sunset |
HCl into hypo solution scatters blue light. |
6F40.11 |
sunset |
A beam of light is scattered when passed through water containing hypo and HCl. |
6F40.12 |
various scattering centers, Mei |
Alternatives to hypo for the sunset demo including latex spheres that demonstrate Mie scattering. |
6F40.15 |
red and blue beam |
A red beam is passed through a solution of gum mastic but a blue beam is not. Diagram. |
6F40.20 |
optical ceramics scattering |
6F40.20 |
optical ceramics: Rayleigh scatterin |
Type 7070 glass is treated to induce glass-in-glass phase separation used to show Rayleigh scattering. |
6F40.30 |
color of smoke |
Cigarette smoke is blue, but after exhaling is white. |
6F40.50 |
microwave scattering |
Show scattering of microwaves with a dielectric dipole inserted in the beam. Picture. |
6F40.60 |
multiple scattering |
Examples of common observations inexplicable by single scattering, e.g., darkening of wet sand, whiteness of milk, etc., are discussed without invoking the complete incoherent scattering theory. |
6F40.80 |
halos |
Look at a point source lamp through a fogged microscope slide. |
6F40.80 |
dust halos |
A glass plate covered with dust is held in a beam that converges into a hole in a screen. Circular halos appear on the screen around the hole. |
6F40.82 |
lunar halo picture |
Picture and analysis of an unusual lunar halo. |