Atomic Physics
PIRA classification 7B
Grayed Demos are either not available or haven't been built yet. |
7B10. Spectra
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
7B10.10 |
line spectra and student gratings |
Have students view line sources through replica gratings. |
7B10.10 |
line and cont. spectra with gratings |
Students look at a carousel of line spectra lamps and a line filament with replica gratings. |
7B10.10 |
line spectra and student gratings |
Replica gratings are passed out, sources can be connected in series with an induction coil. |
7B10.10 |
emission spectra |
pira200 |
Line spectra (H, He, Kr, Ar, O2, Ne) are viewed through 13,400 lines/inch gratings. |
7B10.10 |
emission spectra |
Four spectral tubes and white light through a grating. |
7B10.11 |
discharges in gases |
Rub various tubes with plastic foil to see spectacular discharges produced by the static electricity. |
7B10.11 |
bright line spectrum |
Sources for bright line spectra: high melting point metals are used as electrodes in an arc lamp, the salts of low melting point metals are burned in a flame, gases are heated in discharge tubes. |
7B10.12 |
band emission spectra |
Nitrogen, cyanogen, water vapor, and hydrogen show molecular band spectra. |
7B10.15 |
line spectra tubes and large grating |
A box with five Pluecker line spectra tubes are mounted in a box with a replica grating front. |
7B10.17 |
prism spectrometer |
Students can view emission spectra individually with a spectrometer. |
7B10.20 |
project spectral lines |
Project high intensity Na and Hg lamps through 300 or 600 lines/mm gratings. |
7B10.25 |
spectral chart |
Add abstract in Handbook.FM |
7B10.30 |
salt electrode arcs |
Pinhole project a carbon arc onto a screen, pack an electrode with a salt, project a spectrum through a prism. |
7B10.40 |
emmision spectra - Balmer series |
Measure the deviations of the Balmer series of a projected spectrum of hydrogen. |
7B10.42 |
Balmer series spectrum tube |
Apparatus Drawing Project No. 1: report on constructing and filling a reliable Balmer series tube with a useful life of greater than 1500 hours. |
7B10.50 |
X-ray line spectra model |
Pour lead shot into a pan. |
7B10.60 |
Raman effect - simple apparatus |
A simple double cell apparatus that can be inserted into a 200 mW argon laser for direct observation of the virtual image of the spectra of the scattered light. |
7B11. Absorption
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
7B11.10 |
sodium absorption/emission |
A TV camera shows the Na doublet from a spectrometer in both emission and absorption. |
7B11.10 |
emission and absorption of sodium |
A grating spectrometer that resolves the sodium d lines is used to show emission by a salt flame and absorption of white light by the flame. |
7B11.11 |
Monochromator |
Design of a simple monochromator with folded optics that will resolve 1 angstrom lines. |
7B11.12 |
sodium emission/absorption |
Illuminate half a slit with a sodium flame, half with sunlight from a heliostat. Compare emission and absorption lines. |
7B11.13 |
sodium absorption and emission |
A projection system is aligned so both emission and absorption lines of sodium are visible from an arc with one electrode drilled and filled with anhydrous sodium carbonate. |
7B11.15 |
dark line sodium spectra |
White light is passed through a concrete block containing a second arc that vaporizes sodium and the spectrum produced shows the sodium d line. |
7B11.15 |
sodium absorption lines |
White light is passed through sodium flames before being dispersed by a prism. |
7B11.16 |
sodium flame |
Place a Pyrex test tube at 45 degrees with the bottom in the hottest part of the flame. |
7B11.16 |
sodium absorption |
Three methods of burning sodium in an arc and generating enough sodium vapor to show a strong absorption line. |
7B11.17 |
flame salts |
The colors of different flame salts are observed. |
7B11.19 |
imitation line spectra |
While projecting a slide of the continuous spectrum, insert another plate with lines drawn on representing the absorption spectrum of a gas. |
7B11.20 |
spectral absorption by sodium |
7B11.20 |
sodium absorption cloud |
A cloud of black smoke seems to form when vapor from flame heated salt is illuminated with a sodium lamp. |
7B11.23 |
two lamp flame absorption |
Use two lamps (He and Na) with a single condenser and target to provide a reference with the sodium flame absorption. |
7B11.24 |
absorption spectra |
Several methods for producing sodium vapor and passing white light through. |
7B11.25 |
flame absorption projected |
The light from an arc lamp is focused on a Bunsen burner flame on the way to being projected on the screen. |
7B11.25 |
spectral absorption by sodium vapor |
Sodium flame looks dark when illuminated with sodium light. |
7B11.30 |
mercury vapor shadow |
Mercury vapor illuminated with a mercury lamp casts a shadow on a Willemite screen. |
7B11.30 |
mercury vapor shadow |
A UV lamp shines on a zinc sulfide screen while mercury vapors waft from a heated watchglass. |
7B13. Resonance Radiation
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
7B13.05 |
triboluminescence |
Crush wintergreen lifesavers and they give off faint flashes of light. |
7B13.10 |
iodine resonance radiation |
Same as Oo-1. |
7B13.10 |
iodine resonance radiation |
Direct a white light beam through a evacuated flask containing iodine crystals. |
7B13.10 |
iodine vapor resonance radiation |
Focus a carbon arc on a large evacuated Florence flask containing iodine crystals. |
7B13.10 |
resonance radiation of iodine |
Pass a cone of white light through an evacuated flask containing heated iodine crystals. |
7B13.15 |
resonance radiation of potassium |
Heat a pellet of potassium placed in an evacuated flask while passing white light through the flask |
7B13.20 |
sodium vapor beam |
A sodium furnace in an evacuated bell jar produces a sodium vapor beam that forms a "pencil" of resonance reradiation when illuminated with sodium light. |
7B13.20 |
resonance radiation - sodium vapor |
A sodium vapor bulb is prepared and heated in a furnace while sodium and mercury light is passed through. |
7B13.25 |
Hanle effect |
Measure the resonance polarization of mercury light from a quartz resonance cell of mercury vapor is measured. Diagrams, References. |
7B13.40 |
UV spectrum by fluorescence |
A screen painted with quinine sulfate fluoresces in the UV. Use Quartz optics. |
7B13.42 |
projected mercury spectum |
The weak lines of the projected mercury spectrum are made visible by painting half of a card with fluorescent paint. |
7B13.44 |
ultraviolet lines photographed |
Ultraviolet lines from a carbon arc or mercury lamp are projected onto ultraviolet sensitive photographic paper. |
7B13.50 |
fluorescence and phosphorescence |
7B13.50 |
black light |
Use a black lamp to illuminate fluorescent materials. |
7B13.50 |
flourescence |
A collection of fluorescent materials in black light. |
7B13.51 |
fluorescence and phosphorescence |
Show many substances that fluoresce and phosphoresce in UV light. |
7B13.52 |
fluorescence and phosphorescence |
Dyes, cloth, paint, etc. and an interesting retardation demonstration with a vibrating meter stick and a thin transparent film over one eye. |
7B13.55 |
luminescence |
A glow-in-the-dark sword exposed to black light. The covered portion does not glow as brightly. |
7B13.58 |
fluorescence by X-rays |
An X-ray tube in a box in a dark room is used to show fluorescence in many materials. |
7B13.60 |
phosphorescence |
Recipes are given for compounds with different luminescence. Several demonstrations are discussed. |
7B13.63 |
phosphorescence decay |
Illuminate a P7 tube face with uv light, then mask half and expose the other half to red light. The masked side will remain luminous. |
7B20. Fine Splitting
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
7B20.10 |
Zeeman splitting with mercury |
A mercury lamp between the poles of a large electromagnet is focused on a Fabry-Perot interferometer. |
7B20.11 |
three tubes for Zeeman |
Sodium, mercury, and neon tubes used in Zeeman splitting. |
7B20.11 |
Zeeman effect - sources |
Sodium, mercury, and neon tubes for the Zeeman effect. |
7B20.11 |
Zeeman effect - source |
Use the violet 4046 line from the Cenco 79661 mercury tube. |
7B20.14 |
Zeeman effect - mercury vapor |
The light from a mercury lamp is focused on an air stream containing mercury vapor between the poles of an electromagnet. |
7B20.15 |
Zeeman effect - sodium flame |
Focus sodium light on a bead of borax heated between the poles of an electromagnet. |
7B20.15 |
Zeeman effect - sodium flame |
Sodium light focused on a sodium flame between the poles of an electromagnet will absorb until the field is turned on. |
7B20.20 |
Stern-Gerlach |
7B20.25 |
Stern-Gerlach crystal model |
7B20.30 |
ESR - simple low field |
A circuit for showing ESR in DPPH as a lecture demonstration. |
7B20.31 |
ESR apparatus |
Simple ESR apparatus. |
7B20.32 |
ESR coil |
A small helix plugs into a waveguide to coax transition. |
7B20.33 |
ESR mechanical analog |
The shaft of a gyro is made from a permanent Alnico magnet, the earth's field represents the dc field in the ESR experiment, two Helmholtz coils are used to model the microwave radiation. |
7B20.34 |
ESR references |
References for anyone planning to apply the AJP 35(3) note. |
7B20.40 |
Mossbauer |
7B20.45 |
Mossbauer effect - air track analog |
Burn a string constraining spring loaded air carts. Vary the mass of the "nucleus" cart. |
7B20.45 |
Mossbauer effect model |
A suspended gun firing steel balls serves as a gamma ray emitting nucleus in a Mossbauer effect model. Picture, Diagrams, Construction details in appendix, p. 1373. |
7B30. Ionization Potential
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
7B30.10 |
ionization potential of mercury |
Measure the ionization potential of mercury vapor in a FG-57 tube at different temperatures. |
7B30.11 |
ionization potential |
Looks like some older commercial apparatus to show the ionization potentials of mercury and xenon. |
7B30.12 |
ionization potential of xenon |
Use the Frank-Hertz principle to show the ionization potential of xenon in a 2D21 Thyratron. |
7B30.13 |
comparrison of apparatus |
The Klinger and Leybold apparatus are compared. |
7B30.20 |
Frank-Hertz experiment |
A qualitative lecture demonstration on the oscilloscope. |
7B30.20 |
Frank-Hertz effect |
The curve generated by a commercial tube is shown on an oscilloscope. |
7B30.21 |
Frank-Hertz modification |
The collector is made very negative to both the grid and cathode. When the accelerating potential is increased, the collector current appears in the opposite sense. |
7B30.22 |
homemade Frank-Hertz tube |
Replace the commercial cathode and filament assembly with a piece of 7 mil tungsten wire. |
7B30.22 |
homemade Frank-Hertz tube |
Directions for making a solder glass tube. |
7B30.23 |
Frank-Hertz experiment |
An argon filled CTIC thyatron is mounted on a board. The circuit is drawn on the board. |
7B30.24 |
Frank-Hertz automated on x-y |
Connect the constant current source to the x and the electrometer output to the y of an x-y recorder. |
7B30.26 |
what really happens? |
Gives the standard textbook explanation and then goes beyond. |
7B30.40 |
excited states model |
7B30.40 |
air track model ?????? |
A small air track is caught by a large one. Models a collision between an "electron" and an "atom" capable of being raised to an excited state. |
7B30.40 |
collisions and excited states model |
Expansion on AJP 36(1),49. Slight modification to model inelastic collisions of the second kind. |
7B35. Electron Properties
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
7B35.10 |
discharge at low pressure |
Lower the pressure with a cooling bath while running the discharge tube with a spark coil. |
7B35.10 |
Crookes tube |
Evacuate a glass tube while a high voltage is applied to electrodes at the ends of the tube. |
7B35.10 |
discharge tube and vacuum pump |
Pump down a long tube while applying a high voltage across the ends. |
7B35.20 |
Paschen's law of gas discharge |
Pump down a double tube assembly with electrodes at different distances with a constant voltage on each set of electrodes. |
7B35.40 |
Maltese cross |
An electron beam produces a shadow of a Maltese cross on a fluorescent screen |
7B35.40 |
electron discharge tube with cross |
Show the shadow of a Maltese cross in an electron discharge tube. |
7B35.50 |
paddlewheel |
I don't have a category for this. |
7B35.50 |
electron discharge tube with wheel |
The commercial Crookes' tube with a paddlewheel. |
7B35.70 |
hot and cold cathode discharge |
Electrodes that can be water cooled are used to strike arcs cooled and uncooled. |
7B35.71 |
arc characteristics |
An arc struck between a carbon rod and an aluminum plate will go out if the polarity is reversed. |
7B35.75 |
plasma tube |
Bring the hand near a commercial plasma tube. |
7B50. Atomic Models
PIRA # |
Demonstration Name |
Subsets |
Abstract |
7B50.01 |
history of the atom - symposium |
Kinetic atom |
7B50.01 |
history of the atom - symposium |
Atomism from Newton to Dalton. |
7B50.01 |
history of the atom - symposium |
Rutherford-Bohr atom |
7B50.01 |
history of the atom - symposium |
Greek atomic theory. |
7B50.01 |
history of the atom |
An introduction to a series of four papers presented in a symposium "History of the Atom". |
7B50.10 |
electron orbital models |
A set of Klinger electron orbital models. |
7B50.11 |
Bohr model |
A motorized model with fluorescent electrons and nucleus to be viewed in the dark. |
7B50.15 |
wave function model |
Draw dots on glass plates and stack them for a 3-d model of the probability of the electron shell. Example given for hydrogen 3d state. |
7B50.16 |
electron shell model |
Golf tees are inserted into predrilled holes in a plywood sheet to represent electrons in the various shells. |
7B50.20 |
equilibrium configurations |
Steel balls floating in a dish of mercury over an electromagnet assume equilibrium configurations. A dynamic setup is also described. |
7B50.50 |
periodic charts |
Welch and Cenco periodic charts are displayed on the wall. |
7B50.90 |
atomic beam apparatus |
Determine the diameter of atoms by directing a very low pressure stream at a vane in an evacuated bell jar. |