## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more ## information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup. ##master-page:FrontPage #format wiki #acl msaffman:read,write,delete,revert,admin SaffmanGroup:read All:read #language en #pragma section-numbers off = Welcome to the QPAL Wiki for the Saffman research group = ----- '''[[ResearchProjects|Research Projects]]''' These are the active projects we are working on. '''[[Labguide|Laboratory Guidelines, Meetings, etc.]]''' General information for working in the lab, group meetings, etc. '''[[Literature|Literature]]''' Papers, review articles, reference documents, and group theses. '''[[ResearchTools|Research Tools, Documentation]]''' Information and reference data for electronic, optical, mechanical, and vacuum equipment and procedures we have developed and use. '''[[EquipmentInventory|Equipment Inventory]]''' Inventory of commercial research equipment and manuals. This includes data sheets for laser diodes and special optics. '''[[EDB|Computing Information]]''' Lab computers and software. '''[[Purchasing|Purchasing]]''' Purchasing procedures and lists of vendors. '''[[Pictures|Pictures]]''' '''[[Blackout/PowerSurge|Blackout or Power Surge Protocol]]''' [[http://hexagon.physics.wisc.edu|Public QPAL page]] ---- [[https://covidresponse.wisc.edu/testing|UWM Spring 2021 testing requirements]] [[https://app.physics.wisc.edu/building-access/|Building access signup page]] [[https://www.physics.wisc.edu/internal/covid-19|Physics department COVID operations]] [[https://smartrestart.wisc.edu/dashboard|UW Madison COVID dashboard]] [[https://cityofmadison.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/e22f5ba4f1f94e0bb0b9529dc82db6a3|Madison & Dane County COVID dashboard]] ---- [[https://www.physics.wisc.edu/saffman-lab-monitoring|Graphs of temperature, relative humidity and dew point.]] [[http://hexlabmonitor.physics.wisc.edu/cacti/index.php|Lab status graphs]] ---- In order to gain access to the contents of this wiki you will need an [[FrontPage|account|&action=newaccount]]. Email Mark with your requested user name to have him enable your access.