== Summer Jobs - Small Projects == === Hourly Room === * '''6/13 Done''' Electronics Rack Construction === Introductory Labs === * 208 - Light Bulbs in RC Circuits * Paint 208 Magnets N/S * Re-write E-3 * ''' 6/18 Done''' 0.47 uF capacitors added to plug board kits * L-5 grating mounts * Center mount on rotation axis * Replace grating material * Polariscope scale mounting * Reflector carts for 100 level M-11 * Are the cardboard vanes really better? === 109 === * LED Projector Conversion === 407 === * Mount new cable racks === 625 === * Organize modernization cabinets * Mounts for 1 1/8" irises * Duplicate Electrometer filters with BNC in/out - Qty 4 * Pedestals for 4mW HeNe lasers * Beam height must be 4" * Remount broken phase shifter * New motors for Michaelson * Higher speed for broader scans * One motor coupling is going bad