Differences between revisions 5 and 6
Revision 5 as of 2017-12-18 16:09:22
Size: 809
Editor: ChadSeys
Revision 6 as of 2017-12-18 17:21:57
Size: 934
Editor: ChadSeys
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * LabSoftware folder is read-only to students. To update it, access \\smb.physics.wisc.edu\smb\instructional\LabSoftware.
 * Non-lab specific software is updated automatically. E.g. Java, Flash, Notepad++, Firefox, putty, winscp
Line 5: Line 7:
 * Non-lab specific software is updated automatically. E.g. Java, Flash, Notepad++, Firefox, putty, winscp

Throughout the semester certain ongoing maintenance occurs, either by Puppet or BigFix Endpoint Manager.


  • LabSoftware folder is read-only to students. To update it, access \\smb.physics.wisc.edu\smb\instructional\LabSoftware.

  • Non-lab specific software is updated automatically. E.g. Java, Flash, Notepad++, Firefox, putty, winscp
  • Windows updates are set to run automatically (using Window's built in Windows Update tool).


  • Student desktop (C:\Users\Student\Desktop) and downloads (C:\Users\Student\Downloads) cleaned nightly for 100 and 200 level classes. (These directories are cleaned at reimage between semesters for level 300 and greater classes.)
  • %WINTMP% (e.g. c:\Windows\Temp) files and directories over 30 days old are deleted.
  • Print jobs older than 4 hours are deleted nightly.
  • Internet Explorer 11 history cleared nightly.
  • Recycle Bin emptied nightly.

il: SemesterMaintenance (last edited 2018-10-11 16:26:18 by ChadSeys)