Differences between revisions 3 and 4
Revision 3 as of 2017-12-18 16:02:51
Size: 794
Editor: ChadSeys
Revision 4 as of 2017-12-18 16:05:47
Size: 808
Editor: ChadSeys
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Java, Flash, Notepad, Firefox, putty, winscp, and other non-lab specific software is updated.  * Non-lab specific software is updated automatically. E.g. Java, Flash, Notepad++, Firefox, putty, winscp
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 * Student desktop (C:\Users\Student\Desktop) and downloads (C:\Users\Student\Downloads) cleaned nightly for 100 and 200 level classes. (These directories are cleaned at reimage between semesters for level 300 and greater classes.)
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 * Student desktop (C:\Users\Student\Desktop) and downloads (C:\Users\Student\Downloads) cleaned nightly for 100 and 200 level classes. (These directories are cleaned at reimage between semesters for level 300 and greater classes.)

Throughout the semester certain ongoing maintenance occurs, either by Puppet or BigFix Endpoint Manager.


  • Windows updates are set to run automatically (using Window's built in Windows Update tool).
  • Non-lab specific software is updated automatically. E.g. Java, Flash, Notepad++, Firefox, putty, winscp


  • Student desktop (C:\Users\Student\Desktop) and downloads (C:\Users\Student\Downloads) cleaned nightly for 100 and 200 level classes. (These directories are cleaned at reimage between semesters for level 300 and greater classes.)
  • %WINTMP% (e.g. c:\Windows\Temp) files and directories over 30 days old are deleted.
  • Print jobs older than 4 hours are deleted nightly.
  • Internet Explorer 11 history cleared nightly.
  • Recycle Bin emptied nightly.

il: SemesterMaintenance (last edited 2018-10-11 16:26:18 by ChadSeys)