Network Configuration

To start this process we'll need to know the MAC address of a computer, what IP address it should be, and what host name that is. MAC is fixed in hardware, but the other two we'll have to decide.

In order to be able to network-boot the lab computers we need to use some of the existing department network infrastructure.


Config file lives on ns1 (and ns2) at ns1:/usr/local/named.d/227.addrs This file is kept under version control and so, before editing, check it out

[cwilson@ns1 named.d]$ co -l 227.addrs
RCS/227.addrs,v  -->  227.addrs
revision 1.23 (locked)

Edit with your favorite editor and then check it back in

[cwilson@ns1 named.d]$ emacs -nw 227.addrs
[cwilson@ns1 named.d]$ ci -u 227.addrs
RCS/227.addrs,v  <--  227.addrs

These files are the input to a script that actually generates the BIND config

[cwilson@ns1 named.d]$ make update
[cwilson@ns1 named.d]$ make notify

/!\ be sure to check that DNS is up after this


Config file lives at noc:/etc/instr-dhcpd.conf a typical entry for a lab computer looks like:

1. host fzx32541 {
2.         hardware ethernet B8:AC:6F:1C:0D:06;
3.         fixed-address;
4.         next-server;
5.         filename "pxelinux.0";
6. }

Line 1) refers to the host by its DNS name 2) names the computer by its physical MAC address 3) assigns this computer a fixed IP address 4) tells the computer the IP address of the TFTP server to contact 5) tells the computer what file to fetch from the TFTP server.


This runs on DRBL. Make sure that there is a pxelinux.0 file at the root of the TFTP server.


il: NetworkConfiguration (last edited 2011-08-26 16:02:35 by trogdor)