
Here are some survival-level linux commands:


What it does

sudo command

gives you administrator privileges for the duration of command


change your password (you'll need your current password)

ls dir

list the contents of a directory

cd dir

change to a directory


what directory am I in?


what is my username

cp file new_file

make a copy of file named new_file

mv file new_file

move/rename file to be new_file

find . -iname "*.txt"

find any files that end in .txt under the current directory (searches subdirectories)

chmod +x file

set file to be executable


show the date and time


show the current calendar month

nano file

edit file in a friendly text editor

vi file or emacs file

edit file in a seriously powerful, full-bearded text editor of doom

man topic

read the manual page for topic (could be a command, a config file, etc.)

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il: LinuxHelp (last edited 2011-08-31 19:54:47 by dyn-72-33-79-214)