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Revision 1 as of 2009-10-09 21:07:30
Size: 244
Editor: 128
Revision 2 as of 2009-10-09 21:09:13
Size: 538
Editor: 128
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This particular page contains the various errata that needs to be added to the next printing of the lab manuals. When an error is spotted, please place it in the proper lab section, referencing which experiment needs to have the changes applied to it, as well what changes will be made and why.

Lab Manual Errata

This particular page contains the various errata that needs to be added to the next printing of the lab manuals. When an error is spotted, please place it in the proper lab section, referencing which experiment needs to have the changes applied to it, as well what changes will be made and why.

103 Lab

104 Lab

109 Lab

201 Lab

202 Lab

207 Lab

208 Lab


il: Lab Manual Errata (last edited 2010-02-17 05:11:06 by JimReardon)