Lab Room Changeover Guidelines
Complete each of the following guidelines before signing off a room as changed, in roughly the order below. At the end of each setup email with a report of how the setup went.
Equipment Removal Steps
- Examine all equipment for damage, then remove from regular lab tables
- Place a full set of equipment on the make-up cart
- Remove any equipment with trouble cards to the hourly prep room
Cleaning Steps
- Tables and chairs rearranged to default configuration
- Shades 1/4 open
- Whiteboards erased and wiped down with dry erase cleaner and paper towels, marker tray wiped down, test and restock markers (one red, blue and green)
- Tables and chairs dusted off
- Tables cleaned with Windex, spot cleaning with alcohol (when using alcohol, be sure to windex afterwards or it will eat the varnish)
Equipment Setup Steps
- Neatly arrange all needed equipment for the new experiment on each of the 8 regular lab tables
- Place any unique items required for the lab on the TA desk
- Follow any experiment specific setup instructions
- SUMMER ONLY -- Place one setup of the following experiment on the 9th table