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← Revision 12 as of 2018-08-10 15:20:25 ⇥
Size: 2625
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==== MN Scintillation Detectors ==== * Quantity 3 [[attachment:MN Scintillation Detector.png|{{attachment:MN Scintillation Detector.png|attachment:MN Scintillation Detector.png|width="200"}}]] ==== Aluminum-Lead Racks ==== * Quantity 4 [[attachment:Aluminum-Lead Racks.png|{{attachment:Aluminum-Lead Racks.png|attachment:Aluminum-Lead Racks.png|width="200"}}]] |
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==== -10 -> 200 ºC Thermometers ==== | ==== Gloves ==== [[attachment:Gloves.jpeg|{{attachment:Gloves.jpeg|attachment:Gloves.jpeg|width="200"}}]] ==== NaI Scintillation Detectors ==== |
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[[attachment:200C Thermometer.png|{{attachment:200C Thermometer.png|attachment:200C Thermometer.png|width="200"}}]] | [[attachment:NaIScintillation Detector.png|{{attachment:NaI Scintillation Detector.png|attachment:NaI Scintillation Detector.png|width="200"}}]] ==== Lead Ring and Stand ==== * Quantity 4 [[attachment:Lead Ring and Stand.jpeg|{{attachment:Lead Ring and Stand.jpeg|attachment:Lead Ring and Stand.jpeg|width="200"}}]] ==== Aluminum-Lead Racks (Thick Absorber Kit) ==== * Quantity 4 [[attachment:Aluminum-Lead Racks.png|{{attachment:Aluminum-Lead Racks.png|attachment:Aluminum-Lead Racks.png|width="200"}}]] ==== Thin Absorber Kit ==== * Quantity 3 [[attachment:Thin Absorber Kit.jpeg|{{attachment:Thin Absorber Kit.jpeg|attachment:Thin AbsorberKit.jpeg|width="200"}}]] ==== Interference Filters ==== *Quantity 4 [[attachment:Interference Filters.jpeg|{{attachment:Interference Filters.jpeg|attachment:Interference Filters.jpeg|width="200"}}]] ==== DC Power Supply 1678B ==== *Quantity 4 [[attachment:DC Power Supply 1678B.jpeg|{{attachment:DC Power Supply 1678B.jpeg|attachment:DC Power Supply 1678B.jpeg|width="200"}}]] |
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==== Cavendish Apparatus ==== | ==== DDA36A PhotoDiode w/ Power Supply ==== |
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[[attachment:Cavendish Apparatus.png|{{attachment:Cavendish Apparatus.png|attachment:Cavendish Apparatus.png|width="200"}}]] | [[attachment::DDA36A PhotoDiode.jpeg|{{attachment:DDA36A PhotoDiode.jpeg|attachment:L-H DDA36A PhotoDiode.jpeg|width="200"}}]] |
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==== Cavendish Lead Balls ==== * Quantity 8 [[attachment:Cavendish Lead Ball.png|{{attachment:Cavendish Lead Ball.png|attachment:Cavendish Lead Ball.png|width="200"}}]] ==== Cavendish Balance ==== * Quantity 4 [[attachment:Cavendish Balance.png|{{attachment:Cavendish Balance.png|attachment:Cavendish Balance.png|width="200"}}]] ==== Cavendish Power Supply ==== * Quantity 4 [[attachment:Cavendish Power Supply.png|{{attachment:Cavendish Power Supply.png|attachment:Cavendish Power Supply.png|width="200"}}]] |
Cabinet 4343-5
Cabinet 4343-5
- Cs-137/Ba Radioactive Material
- Co-60 Sources
- Elution Materials
- Gloves
- NaI Scintillation Detectors
- Lead Ring and Stand
- Aluminum-Lead Racks (Thick Absorber Kit)
- Thin Absorber Kit
- Interference Filters
- DC Power Supply 1678B
- L-H Photoelectric Cells
- DDA36A PhotoDiode w/ Power Supply
- B&L Monochrometers
- Optical Pyrometer Kits
Cs-137/Ba Radioactive Material
- Quantity 4
Co-60 Sources
- Quantity 6
Elution Materials
- Quantity 1
NaI Scintillation Detectors
- Quantity 3
Lead Ring and Stand
* Quantity 4
Aluminum-Lead Racks (Thick Absorber Kit)
- Quantity 4
Thin Absorber Kit
* Quantity 3
Interference Filters
*Quantity 4
DC Power Supply 1678B
*Quantity 4
L-H Photoelectric Cells
- Quantity 3
DDA36A PhotoDiode w/ Power Supply
- Quantity 3
B&L Monochrometers
- Quantity 3
Optical Pyrometer Kits
- Quantity 4