## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the master wiki! ## For more information, please see MoinMoin:MoinDev/Translation. ## IMPORTANT NOTE: ## When you use this page as a template for creating your project page: ## * please remove all lines starting with two hashes (##) ## * except the acl line, please keep that, but remove one hash, so it reads #acl ... ## * fix the acl line so it has the correct page instead of the sample Project/...Group ##acl Project/AdminGroup:admin,read,write,delete,revert Project/ReadWriteGroup:read,write Project/ReadGroup:read ##master-page:Unknown-Page ##master-date:Unknown-Date #format wiki #language en Under conditions that need not be very carefully controlled it is possible to cool water to temperatures as cold as -6C without the water freezing. If an ice crystal is then introduced into the water, or if the water is given a mechanical shock, it will then freeze, with the freeze front propagating through the water at a speed of a few cm/sec. There is a nice video of this [[http://faculty.gg.uwyo.edu/kempema/supercool.html|here]]. The heat capacity of supercooled water in this temperature range ought not be far from 1 cal/gm/C, while the heat of fusion of ice ought not be far from 80 cal/gm/C. This implies that only a small fraction of the water should freeze. The first experiment would be to verify this, perhaps by sawing the ice that results in half, and looking at it under a magnifying glass or microscope. One expects to find ice with considerable structural integrity, yet consisting mostly of water-filled voids. Other experiments might be suggested by the first. If the ice turns out to be solid through and though, we would certainly have a calorimetric challenge. If interested in this project, talk to Jim Reardon.