## IMPORTANT NOTE: ## When you use this page as a template for creating your project page: ## * please remove all lines starting with two hashes (##) ## * except the acl line, please keep that, but remove one hash, so it reads #acl ... ## * fix the acl line so it has the correct page instead of the sample Project/...Group ##acl Project/AdminGroup:admin,read,write,delete,revert Project/ReadWriteGroup:read,write Project/ReadGroup:read ##master-page:Unknown-Page ##master-date:Unknown-Date #format wiki #language en {{attachment:Receipts.jpg|Receipts|width="300"}}{{attachment:Bisphenol_A.jpg|Bisphenol_A|width="300"}}{{attachment:UndergraduateSymposium2014Receipts.jpg|UndergraduateSymposium2014Receipts|width="400"}} == Receipts == Every year, an estimated 250 billion paper receipts are offered US customers. Many are automatically printed, declined by customers, and collected for disposal. Concerns have been raised about BPA in thermal paper and some municipalities do not permit thermal paper in recycling streams. What can be done to reduce this annoyance and the waste stream? In some cases, simply changing the store policy to print upon demand will reduce receipt printing by an estimated factor of 30 in campus coffee shops and markets. This group meets alternate Wednesdays 10:30 Union South. Contact Rachel via the website below to get involved. === Website === http://sustainability.wisc.edu/receipt-reduction/ === Humor === I got a receipt for a donut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWx6uA5aCrE === Resources === IRS on record keeping http://www.irs.gov/publications/p552/ar02.html Bisphenol A (BPA) in thermal paper http://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/sya-bpa/ Thermal printing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_printing Retail sales data http://www.economagic.com/cenret.htm#USRet_SA "Bisphenol A Alternatives in Thermal Paper" http://www.epa.gov/dfe/pubs/projects/bpa/aa-for-bpa-full-version.pdf from BPA Alternatives in Thermal Paper Partnership http://www.epa.gov/dfe/pubs/projects/bpa/milestones.htm BPA free thermal paper (Appvion, Appleton WI) http://www.appvion.com/en-us/products/thermal/Pages/default.aspx, http://www.appvion.com/en-us/products/thermal/Documents/Therm_BPA_Free_Statement.pdf Embedded Red Fibers Now Make BPA-Free Receipt Paper Easy to Spot, http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/embedded-red-fibers-now-make-bpa-free-receipt-paper-easy-to-spot-106894398.html Communicating to Inspire Change and Sustainability (Bret Shaw, Bioneers 2013) http://issuu.com/sustaindane2013/docs/bioneers_10_05_13_v3 === e-receipts technologies === http://www.greenbiz.com/blog/2012/08/24/walmart-best-buy-kill-paper-receipts, http://www.mcx.com/ === Participants === Carlsmith Rachel Feil, LEED AP BD+C, Communications Coordinator - Office of Sustainability, Writing Editor - The Wisconsin Engineer Magazine, Civil Engineering & Environmental Studies Undergraduate, University of Wisconsin - Madison Kyla Kaplan, Spring 2014 intern for ASM on the Sustainability Committee Andrea Perkins, REthink.org Consultant: Bret Shaw, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 608-890-1878, brshaw@wisc.edu, http://lsc.wisc.edu/index.php/faculty-staff/faculty/bret-shaw === Showcase 2014 Poster === {{attachment:ReceiptsShowcase.jpg|ReceiptsShowcase|width="400"}}