High Altitude Balloon


Fly your iPhone to the edge of space. Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtXquYhY7wo

This is just a suggestion for a possible starter project. We'd use a weather balloon to send a payload of our design to the edge of space - about 120k feet. This would require a good deal of development and planning, and a little bit of money. It's certainly something that could be done by spring as a send off for our graduating seniors.

Sparkfun has a pretty decent walkthrough that even prepares you for the distinct possibility of sending a grand worth of electronics aloft and never recovering it.

There are several facets to this project that could be broken down into smaller individual projects (this isn't comprehensive):

This would cost money and we'd have to figure that out, too. Minimum cost is about $150 for just the balloon and helium with no electronics or payload. The sparkfun balloon ran $1200. We could run it off of individual contributions or do a few pizza sales in the lobby. Thoughts?

Again, this is just a suggestion. If you have ideas for a group project, please post them!
