= Food Science Resources = Fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, and sucrose are all types of sugar molecules. Fructose and glucose are single sugars while lactose, maltose and sucrose are double sugars. Fructose is the sugar found mainly in fruits. This sugar is broken down in a person's liver which turns it into glucose. Glucose is the most common sugar molecule. It is the sugar that a body prefers to use for energy. Lactose is the second most common double sugar and is found in milk. It is a combination of glucose and another small sugar called galactose. Maltose is the third most double common sugar. It is not found in the foods that we eat. Instead, the body makes it when a person eats foods that contain starches such as potatoes and bread. Sucrose is the most common double sugar that people eat in common foods. It is found in fruits, potatoes, pasta, breads, cereals and other common foods. Source: http://community.write.com/topic/1455-fructose-glucose-lactose-maltose-and-sucrose/