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Garage Physics

The Garage Physics lab in B651 Sterling Hall is an active space for self-study, mentoring, and interdisciplinary innovation intended to support the maker/synthetic biology/garage-physicist/entrepreneur generation of students joining our campus, in particular those joining the physics department and our undergraduate University Physical Society. It offers UW-Madison undergraduates and graduate students a place to explore existing educational experiments and demonstrations in more depth, to learn safe procedures, hands-on skills, and laboratory techniques, to explore their own creative ideas through project-oriented just-in-time learning, and to conduct research of their own, all in an unstructured safe environment. Want to be a 'maker' and join the 'maker/innovator/entrepreneur' movement? You have come to the right place.

To learn how to use this wiki and the Garage, see About Garage Physics. For further information or questions about access to the Garage or accessibility, please contact Professor Duncan Carlsmith, , or Instructional Lab Manager Brett Unks, .

Social media

To like Garage on Facebook, visit To share weblinks, join the Garage Physics Diigo group [Diigo how to (.pdf): Diigo How-to]


Links and information on this website are for education purposes and do not constitute an endorsement of any product, company, or cause.