{{attachment:BreadBoard.jpg|BreadBoard|width="400"}} == Garage Stock room == Garage has a variety of electronic and mechanical equipment stored in or near the Garage working space. Talk to Brett to check out something or if you need something. Garage offers two 3d-printers for student use. See 3d-printing project for further information {{attachment:Stock1.jpg|Stock1|width="200"}}{{attachment:Stock2.jpg|Stock2|width="200"}} {{attachment:Stock3.jpg|Stock3|width="200"}}{{attachment:Stock4.jpg|Stock4|width="200"}} == Project storage == Bins are available to store your stuff. Cleanliness is godliness. {{attachment:ProjectBins.jpg|ProjectBins|width="200"}} == University resources == Physics Student Shop http://www.physics.wisc.edu/eshop Physics Instrument Shop http://www.physics.wisc.edu/ishop/services.html College of Engineering Student Machine Shop (COE students) http://coestudentshop.engr.wisc.edu/about/index.php Department of Chemistry Instrument Shop https://www.chem.wisc.edu/content/instrument-shop Department of Chemistry Electronics shop https://www.chem.wisc.edu/content/chemistry-electronics-shop Department of Chemistry Glass Shop http://www.chem.wisc.edu/content/glass-shop Art Department facilities http://art.wisc.edu/art/about/facilities 3d printers http://wisconsinengineer.com/magazine/368/369/ and search for the 3dprinting UW-Madison 3d Print Tank email distribution list. Additive technology rapid prototyping, EigerLab, ROckford http://www.eigerlab.org/quote-order/ For high tech campus resources, see http://wiscmat.org/?page_id=142 == To campus donors: == If you have a surplus piece of equipment without a UW or federal tag (<$4000 original purchase price), you may donate it directly to Brett Unks. You may request through Aimee Lefkow that your tagged surplus piece of equipment be made available to Garage Physics. The lists below are representative. == Representative equipment on hand and needed == *Cables (BNC, Power and Banana) *Breadboards *Discrete electrical components - resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, inductors,... *Switches, transformers,... *Integrated circuits *Aluminum sheet and chassis materials *Wire in all sorts of gauges *Hand and small power tools of all kinds *Small motors *Data acquisition systems *Optical bench/breadboard *Optical components *Acoustic speakers and drivers *Microphones *Musical instruments *Display devices == What we really want == A small PCB mill that would take files from Eagle (a PCB layout program) and make the board. http://www.rolanddg.com/product/3d/3d/mdx-20_15/spec.html, http://fab.cba.mit.edu/content/processes/PCB/modela.html, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSVvbiOP9E4, http://www.rolanddg.com/product/3d/3d/mdx-20_15/mdx-20_15.html 50W LASER Cutter capable of cutting plastic and wood http://www.epiloglaser.com/legend_helix.htm MIT Fab Lab Inventory specifications https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AtIlZyLn99e6dGRleUJTY043a3FucUhFUVVBYTdxS3c&single=true&gid=0&output=html Makerworks - a whole tool set http://maker-works.com/wordpress/tools/ FAB LAB standard http://wiki.fablab.is/wiki/Portal:Equiment. The FAB LAB network provides public access to these tools world wide. == Documentation == 3D printers http://cucfablab.org/book/3d-printers == Vendors == Seed studio (all sorts of stuff) http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/ PCH International circuit boards http://www.pchintl.com/ Pretty much everything you need at mcmaster https://www.mcmaster.com/# ----