## IMPORTANT NOTE: ## When you use this page as a template for creating your project page: ## * please remove all lines starting with two hashes (##) ## * except the acl line, please keep that, but remove one hash, so it reads #acl ... ## * fix the acl line so it has the correct page instead of the sample Project/...Group ##acl Project/AdminGroup:admin,read,write,delete,revert Project/ReadWriteGroup:read,write Project/ReadGroup:read ##master-page:Unknown-Page ##master-date:Unknown-Date #format wiki #language en == Antibubbles == {{attachment:Antibubbles.jpg|Antibubbles|height="300"}} {{attachment:Antibubbles2.jpg|Antibubbles2|height="300"}}{{attachment:Antibubbles3.jpg|Antibubbles3|height="300"}} Image credit: Left http://hotstreamer.deanostoybox.com/antibubbles/antibubbles/P5270028a.jpg; Middle https://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0305126v1 ; right Carlsmith Antibubbles are fluid-filled nearly spherical shells of gas in a fluid. Antibubble formation may be observed when water drips from a faucet into soapy water. As the drop enters, it drags an envelope of air around itself. The shell thickness is of order 5 micron but the shell appears much thicker due to optical refraction. The lifetime (seconds to hours) is governed by the viscosity of the gas and possible surfactant as the core drops relative to the surrounding fluid. This project will explore methods of making and of stabilizing antibubbles, and explore interactions mediated by fluid with other fluid structures such as waves, walls, other antibubbles, globules, and bubbles. Two movies of globules including bubbleonium merger (antibubble+globule=>larger antibubble) https://arxiv.org/abs/1210.3538. High speed photography of air-film breakup: https://www-cambridge-org.ezproxy.library.wisc.edu/core/journals/journal-of-fluid-mechanics/article/antibubbles-and-fine-cylindrical-sheets-of-air/136802B3F5770D422F4F42CF3D293D7F http://news.mit.edu/2017/droplets-levitate-liquid-surfaces-1115