#acl snarf:read,write,delete,revert,admin FacultyGroup:read,write All:read ||<:30%>[[PiraScheme#Mechanics| Table of Mechanics Demonstration]]||<:30%>[[MEEquipmentList| List of Mechanics Equipment & Supplies]]||<:30%>[[Demonstrations|Lecture Demonstrations]]|| = Vernier Calipers, 1A20.41a = '''Topic and Concept:''' Measurement, [[Measurement#ErrorAccuracy| 1A20. Error and Accuracy]] '''Location:''' * '''Cabinet:''' [[MechanicsCabinet|Mechanic (ME)]] * '''Bay:''' [[MechanicsCabinetBayA3|(A3)]] * '''Shelf:''' #2 {{attachment:VernierCalipers-01-400.jpg}} '''Abstract:''' This plastic vernier calipers can be used to show its proper operation. ||<:style="width: 60%" :40%>'''Equipment'''||<:30%>'''Location'''||<:25%>'''ID Number'''|| || || || || ||Vernier Caliper||[[MechanicsCabinet|ME]], [[MechanicsCabinetBayA3|Bay A3]], Shelf #2||1A20.41a || '''''Important Setup Notes:''''' * N/A '''Setup and Procedure:''' 1. Set out the Vernier Caliper with some miscellaneous items to measure. 1. Measure the items explaining how you are taking the measurement and what the result is. '''Cautions, Warnings, or Safety Concerns:''' * N/A '''Discussion:''' There is a written instructional page that explains how to read a micrometer caliper in the micrometer's box. The box also contains a decimal equivalents table. A micrometer is used to measure thickness very accurately. This tool cannot be seen in a big class unless one uses the video system or lets the students come down to look at it. '''Videos:''' * [[https://www.youtube.com/user/LectureDemostrations/videos?view=1|Lecture Demonstration's Youtube Channel]] '''References:''' * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliper|Caliper - Wikipedia]] [[Instructional|Home]]