#acl reardon:read,write,delete,revert,admin FacultyGroup:read,write,admin All:read ||||||||||'''Example: 1D60.10.a Howitzer and Tunnel (another name, Ballistic Cart and Bridge)''' || || {{attachment:piralogo.jpg}} ||1 ||Area ||(mechanics) || {{attachment:UWLogo2x2.jpg}} || ||D ||Topic ||(motion in two dimensions) || ||60 ||Concept ||(projectile motion) || ||.10 ||Demonstration ||(Howitzer and Tunnel) || ||For more info Click [[https://physicslearning2.colorado.edu/pira/|DCS]] ||.a ||Duplication ||UW-Madison addition for multiple units, (a, b, c, ...) || || <> === 1. Mechanics (ME) === There are 694 demonstrations listed in the tables below, of which 391 are grayed out. Thus, we have at least 303 demonstrations within mechanics. However, we do have several demonstrations that have yet been add to these lists and are being added over time. ||1A-[[Measurement]] ||1C-[[MotionIn1D|Motion in One Dimension]] ||1D-[[MotionIn2D|Motion in Two Dimensions]] ||1E-[[RelativeMotion|Relative Motion]] || ||1F-[[Newtons1STLaw|Newton's First Law]] ||1G-[[Newtons2NDLaw|Newton's Second Law]] ||1H-[[Newtons3RDLaw|Newton's Third Law]] ||1J-[[RigidBodies|Statics of Rigid Bodies]] || ||1K-[[AppNewtonsLaws|Applications of Newton's Laws]] ||1L-[[Gravity]] ||1M-[[WorkEnergy|Work and Energy]] ||1N-[[Linear_Momentum|Linear Momentum]] || ||1Q-[[RotationalDynamics|Rotational Dynamics]] ||1R-[[PropertiesOfMatter|Properties of Matter]] || ||[[MEEquipmentList|ME-Equipment List]] || <> === 2. Fluid Mechanics (FM) === ||2A-[[SurfaceTension|Surface Tension]] ||2B-[[StaticsOfFluids|Statics of Fluids]] ||2C-[[DynamicsOfFluids|Dynamics of Fluids]] || || || ||[[FMEquipmentList|FM-Equipment List]] || <> === 3. Waves and Sound (WS) === ''''' Please note that these tables have not yet been edited to match the equipment that is available within the UW-Madison lecture demo lab. There maybe many items listed within these tables that we either "can not do" or have available.''''' ||3A-[[Oscillations]] ||3B-[[WaveMotion|Wave Motion]] ||3C-[[Acoustics]] ||3D-[[Instruments]] || ||3E-[[SoundReproduction|Sound Reproduction]] || || ||[[WSEquipmentList|WS-Equipment List]] || <> === 4.Thermodynamics (TD) === ''''' Please note that these tables have not yet been edited to match the equipment that is available within the UW-Madison lecture demo lab. There maybe many items listed within these tables that we either "can not do" or have available.''''' ||4A-[[ThermalProperties|Thermal Properties of Matter]] ||4B-[[FirstLaw|Heat and the First Law]] ||4C-[[ChangeofState|Change of State]] ||4D-[[KineticTheory|Kinetic Theory]] || ||4E-[[GasLaw|Gas Law]] ||4F-[[SecondLaw|Entropy and the Second Law]] || ||[[TDEquipmentList|TD-Equipment List]] || <> === 5. Electricity and Magnetism (EM) === ''''' Please note that these tables have not yet been edited to match the equipment that is available within the UW-Madison lecture demo lab. There maybe many items listed within these tables that we either "can not do" or have available.''''' ||5A-[[Electrostatics]] ||5B-[[ElectricFieldsAndPotential|Electric Fields and Potential]] ||5C-[[Capacitance]] ||5D-[[Resistance]] || ||5E-[[EMFandCurrent|Electromotive Force and Current]] ||5F-[[DCCircuits|DC Circuits]] ||5G-[[MagneticMaterials|Magnetic Materials]] ||5H-[[MagneticFieldsAndForces|Magnetic Fields and Forces]] || ||5J-[[Inductance]] ||5K-[[ElectromagneticInduction|Electromagnetic Induction]] ||5L-[[ACCircuits|AC Circuits]] ||5M-[[SemiconductorsAndTubes|Semiconductors and Tubes]] || ||5N-[[EMRad|Electromagnetic Radiation]] || || ||[[EMEquipmentList|EM-Equipment List]] || <> === 6. Optics (OP) === ''''' Please note that these tables have not yet been edited to match the equipment that is available within the UW-Madison lecture demo lab. There maybe many items listed within these tables that we either "can not do" or have available.''''' ||6A-[[GeometricalOptics|Geometrical Optics]] ||6B-[[Photometry]] ||6C-[[Diffraction]] ||6D-[[Interference]] ||6F-[[Color]] || ||6H-[[Polarization]] ||6J-[[TheEye|The Eye]] ||6Q-[[ModernOptics|Modern Optics]] || ||[[OPEquipmentList|OP-Equipment List]] || <> === 7. Modern Physics (MP) === ''''' Please note that these tables have not yet been edited to match the equipment that is available within the UW-Madison lecture demo lab. There maybe many items listed within these tables that we either "can not do" or have available.''''' ||7A-[[QuantumEffects|Quantum Effects]] ||7B-[[AtomicPhysics|Atomic Physics]] ||7D-[[NuclearPhysics|Nuclear Physics]] ||7E-[[ElementaryParticles|Elementary Particles]] || ||7F-[[Relativity]] || || ||[[MPEquipmentList|MP-Equipment List]] || <> === 8. Astronomy === ''''' Please note that these tables have not yet been edited to match the equipment that is available within the UW-Madison lecture demo lab. There maybe many items listed within these tables that we either "can not do" or have available.''''' ||8A-[[PlanetaryAstronomy|Planetary Astronomy]] ||8B-[[StellarAstronomy|Stellar Astronomy]] ||8C-[[Cosmology]] || [[Demonstrations]] [[Instructional|Home]]