#acl Narf:read,write,delete,revert,admin FacultyGroup:read,write All:read ||<25% style="text-align:center">[[PiraScheme#Thermodynamics|Table of Thermodynamics]] ||<25% style="text-align:center">[[ChangeofState|Thermodynamics (4C): Change of State]] ||<25% style="text-align:center">[[GasLaw|Thermodynamics (4E): Gas Law]] ||<25% style="text-align:center">[[Demonstrations|Lecture Demonstrations]] || == Kinetic Theory == ''PIRA classification 4D'' ||<#dddddd>Grayed Demos are either not available or haven't been built yet. || = 4D10. Brownian Motion = ||<10% style="text-align:center">'''PIRA #''' ||'''Demonstration Name''' ||'''Subsets'''||<60% style="text-align:center">'''Abstract''' || ||4D10.10 ||Brownian motion cell || ||View a smoke cell under a microscope. || ||4D10.10 ||Brownian motion smoke cell on tv || ||Look through a microscope at a small illuminated cell filled with smoke. || ||4D10.10 ||Brownian motion ||pira200||Observe the motion of particles in a smoke cell through a microscope. || ||4D10.10 ||Brownian motion smoke cell || ||Observe the Brownian motion smoke cell through a low powered microscope. || ||4D10.10 ||Brownian motion cell || ||Observe a small smoke cell through a microscope. || ||4D10.10 ||Brownian motion cell || ||View a smoke cell under a microscope. || ||4D10.10 ||brownian motion || ||A smoke cell is viewed under 100X magnification. || ||4D10.11 ||Brownian motion - virtual image || ||The optical setup for viewing Brownian motion by enlarged virtual image. || ||4D10.12 ||Brownian motion || ||Use a laser beam to illuminate a smoke cell under a microscope viewed with TV || ||4D10.12 ||smoke cell || ||Project the Brownian motion smoke cell with TV Picture. || ||4D10.13 ||Brownian motion on tv || ||Polystyrene microspheres are used in place of the smoke cell, the eyepiece of the microscope is removed and the image is formed on the shielded TV tube. || ||4D10.13 ||smoke cell for tv || ||Modifications to the standard Welch smoke tube for use with television projection. || ||4D10.14 ||Brownian motion - light scattering || ||Pass a laser beam through a cell with a suspension of polystyrene spheres. Hold a card up and show the fluctuations of the scattered light. || ||4D10.15 ||Brownian motion - macroscopic cell || ||Ball bearings hit a piece of stressed plexiglass Crossed Polaroids render the balls invisible. || ||4D10.20 ||Brownian motion simulator || || || ||4D10.20 ||Brownian motion simulation || ||Place many small and a few large balls on a vibrating plate on an overhead projector. || ||4D10.20 ||Brownian motion simulation || ||A large disc is placed in with small ball bearings in the shaker frame on the overhead projector. || ||4D10.21 ||Brownian motion simulation || ||A Brownian motion shaker for the overhead projector. Includes the original references to Brown and Einstein. || ||4D10.25 ||Brownian motion simulation || ||The Cenco kinetic theory apparatus is modified by mounting a baffle in the center of the tube to reduce the spinning of the particles, and suspending a 1 cm bead in one half of the chamber. || ||4D10.30 ||colloidal suspension || || || ||4D10.30 ||Brownian motion - colloidal || ||Place a colloidal metal suspension made by sparking electrodes under water on a microscope slide. || ||4D10.31 ||formation of lead carbonate crystals || ||Project the formation of flat-sided crystals of lead carbonate in a glass cell on a screen. See Sutton, A-50. || ||4D10.31 ||rotary Brownian motion || ||Observe a dilute suspension of flat lead carbonate crystals under low magnification. || ||4D10.33 ||Brownian motion in TiO2 suspension || ||A TV camera looks through a microscope at a water suspension of TiO2. || ||4D10.34 ||Brownian motion corridor demo. || ||Dow latex spheres in water through a 1900 power projection microscope, mechanical analog with a 2" puck and 1/4" ball bearings. || ||4D10.34 ||Brownian motion corridor demo. || ||A corridor demonstration of Brownian motion of Dow latex spheres using a projection 1900 power microscope. || ||4D10.40 ||Dow spheres suspension || || || ||4D10.40 ||Brownian motion of a galvanometer || ||An optical-lever amplifier for studying the Brownian motion of a galvanometer. || ||4D10.40 ||Brownian motion with Dow spheres || ||Small polystyrene spheres made by Dow are suspended in water for illustrating Brownian motion. || = 4D20. Mean Free Path = ||<10% style="text-align:center">'''PIRA #''' ||'''Demonstration Name''' ||'''Subsets'''||<60% style="text-align:center">'''Abstract''' || ||4D20.00 ||Mean Free Path || || || ||4D20.10 ||Crookes' radiometer || ||The fake radiometer is evacuated until the mean free path is about the dimension of the system. || ||4D20.10 ||Crookes' radiometer ||pira200||The radiometer spins in the wrong direction. || ||4D20.10 ||radiometer || ||The fake radiometer is evacuated so the mean free path is about the dimension of the system. || ||4D20.10 ||radiometer || ||The radiometer and a lamp. || ||4D20.11 ||radiometer analysis || ||An "elementary" model for the radiometer at the sophomore level. || ||4D20.11 ||Crookes' radiometer || ||When the pressure of the Crookes' radiometer is about 1 mm it works well. Place it near dry ice and it will run backwards. || ||4D20.12 ||Crookes' radiometer backwards || ||Put your radiometer in the refrigerator, also try an interesting liquid N2 demo. || ||4D20.12 ||Crookes' radiometer backwards || ||Use liquid N2 or freon to cool the radiometer so it will run backwards. || ||4D20.12 ||Crookes' radiometer backwards || ||A letter calling attention to the Woodruff (TPT,6,358) article. || ||4D20.13 ||heating the radiometer || ||Heat the glass of the radiometer until it is motionless and as it cools it will run backwards. || ||4D20.15 ||calorotor || ||Vanes rotate in a tube filled with 20 mTorr helium warmed on one end. || ||4D20.20 ||mean free path and pressure || || || ||4D20.20 ||mean free path and pressure || ||Aluminum evaporated in high vacuum forms a shadow of a Maltese cross on the side of the bell jar. || ||4D20.20 ||Maltese Cross || ||Evaporating aluminum atoms plate a bell jar except in the shadow of a Maltese Cross. || ||4D20.30 ||mean free path pin board || || || ||4D20.30 ||mean free path pinboard || ||Steel balls are rolled down a pinboard and the number of collisions is compared with theory. || ||4D20.31 ||velocity distribution and path lengt || ||Take pictures of air table pucks and plot velocity distribution and path length. || ||4D20.40 ||Boltzmann distribution model || ||A set of cusps is formed in a curve with height representing energy levels. The assembly is driven by a shaker. || ||4D20.45 ||computer Maxwell-Boltzmann || ||A FORTRAN program available from the author that shows the evolution of speed distributions. || ||4D20.46 ||computer many particle systems || ||Computer simulations with a billiard table model and a particle moving in a regular array of hard discs. || = 4D30. Kinetic Motion = ||<10% style="text-align:center">'''PIRA #''' ||'''Demonstration Name''' ||'''Subsets'''||<60% style="text-align:center">'''Abstract''' || ||4D30.00 ||Kinetic Motion || || || ||4D30.05 ||on the meaning of temperature || ||Many comments on the TPT 28(2),94 article on temperature. || ||4D30.10 ||Cenco kinetic theory apparatus || || || ||4D30.10 ||Cenco kinetic theory apparatus || ||The Cenco apparatus with lead shot in a piston. || ||4D30.10 ||mechanical model of kinetic motion || ||The Cenco molecular motion simulator with lead shot in a piston. || ||4D30.10 ||Cenco kinetic theory apparatus || ||A discussion of the Cenco kinetic theory apparatus. || ||4D30.11 ||big kinetic motion apparatus || || || ||4D30.11 ||big kinetic motion apparatus || ||Scale up the balls in a piston using a 16" diameter tube and 1/2" diameter balls. || ||4D30.12 ||mechanical gas model || ||The details are not clear from this picture of a mechanical gas model. || ||4D30.13 ||kinetic theory models || ||Drive small steel balls in a small chamber with a tuning fork. || ||4D30.20 ||molecular motion simulator ||pira200||Ball bearings on a vibrating plate on the overhead projector. || ||4D30.20 ||kinetic theory demonstrator || ||A 2-D ball shaker for the overhead projector. || ||4D30.20 ||two dimensional kinetic motion || ||Balls on a vibrating plate are used with the overhead projector for many molecular simulations. || ||4D30.21 ||equipartition of energy simulator || || || ||4D30.21 ||simple equipartition model || ||Jostle two different sized marbles by hand in a large tray to show different velocities. || ||4D30.21 ||kinetic theory models || ||A large and small version of balls on a horizontal surface agitated by a hand frame. || ||4D30.21 ||equipartition of energy simulation || ||Use different size balls in the shaker frame on the overhead. || ||4D30.22 ||pressure vs. volume simulator || || || ||4D30.22 ||pressure vs. volume simulation || ||Change the size of the entrained area of the shaker frame on the overhead projector. || ||4D30.23 ||free expansion simulation || || || ||4D30.23 ||free expansion simulation || ||Balls are initially constrained to one half of the shaker frame and then the bar is lifted. || ||4D30.24 ||temperature increase simulation || || || ||4D30.24 ||temperature increase simulation || ||A shaker frame on the overhead projector is shown with different shaking rates. || ||4D30.25 ||mechanical shaker || ||Determine the distribution of velocities produced by an overhead projector shaker. Picture, Diagrams, Construction details in appendix, p.1294. || ||4D30.26 ||roller randomizer || ||Cylindrical rollers in a pentagon configuration produce random motion. || ||4D30.27 ||driven steel cage || ||A motor driven steel cage can be used horizontally or vertically to perform several models of kinetic motion. Pictures, Construction details in appendix, p.1295. || ||4D30.30 ||hard sphere model || ||A bouncing plate with balls. The free space ratio is varied giving models of gas through crystal behavior. Pictures, Construction details in appendix, p 1292. || ||4D30.31 ||speaker shaker || ||Steel balls in a container on a speaker show both fluid and solid state phenomena. || ||4D30.32 ||shaking velcro balls || ||Attach velcro to spheres and shake. "Bonding" will vary with the vigor of agitation. || ||4D30.32 ||air table molecules || ||Four magnets placed on the Plexiglas discs provide the attraction for many demonstrations of molecular kinetics. || ||4D30.34 ||drop formation shaker || ||A motorized shaker frame in a magnetic field causes steel balls to act like molecules forming drops. || ||4D30.37 ||kinetic theory models || ||A fan propels several hundred small steel balls in a container. Also shows Brownian motion. || ||4D30.38 ||kinetic theory models || ||Compressed air drives ping pong balls in a large container. || ||4D30.40 ||glass beads || || || ||4D30.40 ||model for kinetic theory of gases || ||An evacuated tube containing mercury and some glass chips is heated over a Bunsen burner. || ||4D30.40 ||kinetic theory models || ||Mercury heated in a evacuated glass tube causes glass beads to fly about. || ||4D30.40 ||glass beads || ||Heat an evacuated tube with some mercury and glass chips. An optical projection system is shown. || ||4D30.40 ||mercury kinetic theory || ||Glass chips float on a pool of mercury in an evacuated tube. Heat the mercury and the chips dance in the mercury vapor. || ||4D30.41 ||kinetic theory model || ||Mercury is heated in a large evacuated tube causing pith balls to jump about. || ||4D30.50 ||model of kinetic pressure || ||Balls drop from a funnel onto a pan balance. || ||4D30.51 ||dropping shot || ||Pour lead shot onto the apex of a cone attached to a float. Vary the number and velocity of shot. || ||4D30.55 ||stream of dropping balls || ||Apparatus Drawings Project No. 9: Drop 1/2" balls at a rate of 5/sec 25' onto a massive damped balance and compare deflection with static loading and theory. || ||4D30.60 ||flame tube viscosity || || || ||4D30.60 ||dependence of viscosity on temp. || ||See Fm-4. || ||4D30.60 ||dependence of viscosity on temp. || ||As the tube on one side of a twin burner is heated, the flame becomes smaller. || ||4D30.60 ||flame tube viscosity || ||One leg of a "T" tube is heated resulting in increased viscosity and a smaller flame of illuminating gas. || ||4D30.60 ||gas viscosity change with temp || ||Heat the gas flowing to one of two identical burners and the flame decreases. || ||4D30.71 ||viscosity of gas independ. of press. || ||The velocity of a precision ball falling in a precision tube is independent of pressure as the tube is partially evacuated. || ||4D30.71 ||viscosity independent of pressure || ||See Fm-3. || ||4D30.72 ||viscosity and pressure || ||Oscillations in the quartz fiber radiation pressure apparatus change frequency as it is evacuated. || ||4D30.75 ||viscosity independent of pressure || ||A viscosity damped oscillator is placed into a bell jar and evacuated to various pressures to show viscosity independent of pressure. Pictures, Construction details in appendix, p. 1290. || = 4D40. Molecular Dimensions = ||<10% style="text-align:center">'''PIRA #''' ||'''Demonstration Name''' ||'''Subsets'''||<60% style="text-align:center">'''Abstract''' || ||4D40.00 ||Molecular Dimensions || || || ||4D40.10 ||steric and oleic acid films || || || ||4D40.10 ||stearic and oleic acid films || ||Films from drops of stearic or oleic acid are measured. || ||4D40.12 ||alcohol slick || ||Place a drop of alcohol at the center of a petri dish containing a thin layer of water. || ||4D40.13 ||determination of drop size || ||A ring proportional to drop size forms when dropped on filter paper. || ||4D40.15 ||Avogadro's number || ||Use a BB's to model a drop spreading on the surface of water, then use oleic acid and do the real thing. || ||4D40.15 ||monomolecular layer || ||A "BB" model and the Oleic acid monomolecular layer. Pictures. || ||4D40.20 ||films || ||Measure gold leaf thickness and show the black of a soap film. || <> = 4D50. Diffusion and Osmosis = ||<10% style="text-align:center">'''PIRA #''' ||'''Demonstration Name''' ||'''Subsets'''||<60% style="text-align:center">'''Abstract''' || ||4D50.00 ||Diffusion & Osmosis || || || ||4D50.10 ||fragrant vapor - ethyl ketone || || || ||4D50.15 ||diffusion model on the overhead || ||Balls of two different colors are initially separated by a Lucite bar on a vibrating table. Picture, Construction details in appendix, p.1295. || ||4D50.20 ||diffusion through porcelain || || || ||4D50.20 ||diffusion through porcelain || ||Different gases are directed around an unglazed porcelain cup. A "J" tube manometer shows pressure. Diagram. || ||4D50.20 ||diffusion || ||Methane and helium are diffused through a porous clay jar. A glass tube extending down into a jar of water bubbles as an indicator. || ||4D50.21 ||diffusion of CO2 || ||When the porcelain cup is surrounded by CO2, water is sucked up the tube. || ||4D50.22 ||diffusion and hydrogen || ||When hydrogen is trapped around a unglazed porcelain cup attached to a tube leading to a beaker of water, it bubbles out; when the trap is removed, water is sucked up the tube. || ||4D50.30 ||diffusion in a discharge tube || ||Mercury is collected in the refrigerated end of a discharge tube containing neon. When the cold end is warmed and ac is applied, the diffusion of mercury can be followed by the spectral change. Also works with a germicidal lamp. || ||4D50.40 ||diffusion and pressure || ||Two 1 L round flasks are joined by a small tube. One is attached to a vacuum pump while the crystals are heated in the other. || ||4D50.42 ||diffusion of gases || ||Hydrogen is allowed to diffuse down in a cylinder into air to form an explosive mixture. || ||4D50.45 ||bromine diffusion || || || ||4D50.45 ||diffusion of bromine || ||Bromine diffuses out of a cylinder into air. || ||4D50.45 ||bromine diffusion || ||Glass tubes containing bromine and bromine/air are cooled in liquid nitrogen and allowed to warm back up to show diffusion. || ||4D50.46 ||bromine diffusion || ||A few drops of bromine are placed in cylinders containing hydrogen and air. || ||4D50.47 ||bromine diffusion || ||Break bromine ampules in air filled and evacuated tubes. || ||4D50.50 ||bromine cryophorus || || || ||4D50.50 ||bromine cryophorus || ||Three different bromine tubes: with air, partial vacuum, and vacuum, are cooled in liquid nitrogen and allowed to warm. || ||4D50.50 ||bromine cryophorous || ||Tubes with bromine and air at different pressures are immersed in a cold trap to show different diffusion rates. || ||4D50.55 ||ether vapor before diffusion || ||Pour ether vapor from a wide mouth bottle into a large beaker suspended from a scale. Shadow projection shows an interface before diffusion starts. Picture. || ||4D50.60 ||diffusion in liquids - CuSO4 || || || ||4D50.60 ||diffusion of liquids - CuSo4 || ||Concentrated CuSO4 and water diffuse in a cylinder. || ||4D50.60 ||diffusion of liquids || ||A graduate 1/3 full of a saturated solution of copper sulfate and topped with water will show diffusion over time. || ||4D50.60 ||diffusion of liquids || ||A tube 2m long with saturated copper sulfate at the bottom can be displayed for decades. || ||4D50.62 ||potassium permanganate in water || ||Drop potassium permanganate in a dish of water on the overhead projector. || ||4D50.63 ||dissolving crystals || ||How to introduce crystals of potassium chromate or copper sulfate to the bottom of a long tube of water. || ||4D50.65 ||diffusion pressure in a bottle || ||Carbon tetrachloride or lemon oil diffuses out of polystyrene bottles. || ||4D50.70 ||permeable membrane || || || ||4D50.70 ||permeable membrane || ||Place a permeable membrane bag attached to a vertical tube and filled with a sugar solution in water. || ||4D50.70 ||permeable membrane || ||Place a saturated solution of salt or sugar in a thistle tube capped with a permeable membrane and insert into water. || ||4D50.71 ||osmotic pressure || ||Immerse a semipermeable membrane over a thistle tube in a CuSO4 solution. || ||4D50.72 ||osmosis || ||Stick a glass tube into a carrot or beet and put the veggie in water. Water will rise in the tube over several days. || ||4D50.73 ||optical osmometer || ||An optical lever shows bowing of a permeable membrane over the course of a lecture. || ||4D50.74 ||measurement of osmotic pressure || ||Immerse a solution sealed in a semipermeable porcelain cup in pure water and read the pressure with a manometer. || ||4D50.75 ||preparation of semi-permeably membra || ||On forming a copper ferricynide precipitate permeable to water but not dissolved substances. || ||4D50.80 ||osmosis simulator || || || ||4D50.80 ||osmosis simulator || ||A vibrating plate on an overhead has a barrier sized so only one of two diameter ball bearings will pass. || ||4D50.80 ||diffusion simulation || ||A bar across the shaker frame on the overhead projector has a small hole that allows small but not larger balls to pass. || [[Demonstrations]] [[Instructional|Home]]