#acl snarf:read,write,delete,revert,admin FacultyGroup:read,write All:read ||<:30%>[[PiraScheme#Mechanics| Table of Mechanics Demonstration]]||<:30%>[[MEEquipmentList| List of Mechanics Equipment & Supplies]]||<:30%>[[Demonstrations|Lecture Demonstrations]]|| = Vertical Force Board, 1J30.51 = '''Topic and Concept:''' Statistics of Rigid Bodies, [[RigidBodies#ResolutionofForces| 1J30. Resolution of Forces]] '''Location:''' * '''Cabinet:''' [[MechanicsCabinet|Mechanic (ME)]] * '''Floor Item:''' [[MechanicsCabinet#MEFloorItems|South Wall]] {{attachment:ForceBoard-01-400.jpg}} '''Abstract:''' Use this vertical whiteboard to draw the force vectors of a balance's object through a continuous range of angles. ||<:style="width: 60%" :40%>'''Equipment'''||<:30%>'''Location'''||<:25%>'''ID Number'''|| || || || || ||Force Board||ME, Floor Item|| || ||Other Weights||ME, Bay [[MechanicsCabinetBayB1|B1]], Shelf #3|| || '''''Important Setup Notes:''''' * N/A '''Setup and Procedure:''' 1. Wheel out onto stage and remove center retaining pin. 2. Position the two C-clamps with pulleys, located on the rim of the white-board, to your angles of choice. 3. Choose the appropriate masses to hang from all 3 hangers so that the center ring is at the center of the force board. Below are four easy set ups (each weight hangers has a mass of 1 kg): ||<-2:>Left Arm||<-2:>Right Arm||<-2:>Center Arm|| ||<:>M1 (kg)||<:>A1 (deg.)||<:> M2 (kg) ||<:>A2 (deg.)||<:> M3 (kg) || ||<:>4||<:>0||<:>5 ||<:>37 (37.59) ||<:> 3 || ||<:>2.5||<:>37 (36.87)||<:>4||<:> 60 (60.31)||<:>5 || ||<:>5||<:> 45 (44.47)||<:>5||<:>45 (44.47) ||<:>7|| ||<:>5||<:>45 (45.53)||<:>4||<:>30 (28.88)||<:>5.5|| The angles in the parentheses are calculated values or the true values. '''Cautions, Warnings, or Safety Concerns:''' * N/A '''Discussion:''' Coming soon. ||{{attachment:ForceBoard-02-250.jpg}}||{{attachment:ForceBoard-03-250.jpg}}||{{attachment:ForceBoard-04-250.jpg}}||{{attachment:ForceBoard-05-250.jpg}}|| '''References:''' * N/A [[Instructional|Home]]