#acl snarf:read,write,delete,revert,admin FacultyGroup:read,write All:read ||<30% style="text-align:center">[[PiraScheme#Thermodynamics|Table of Thermodynamics Demonstration]] ||<30% style="text-align:center">[[TDEquipmentList|Thermodynamics Equipment List]] ||<30% style="text-align:center">[[Demonstrations|Lecture Demonstrations]] || = Convection Tube, 4B20.10 = '''Topic and Concept:''' . Thermal Properties of Matter, [[ThermalProperties#Thermometry|4A10. Thermometry]] '''pira200 Listed''' '''Location:''' * '''Cabinet:''' [[ThermoCabinet|Thermodynamics (TD)]] * '''Bay:''' [[ThermoCabinetBayA1|(A1)]]?? * '''Shelf:''' #1,2,3.. ?? {{attachment:ConvectionTube02-400.jpg}} '''Abstract:''' Insert succinct description of demonstration. ||<40% style="" ;text-align:center">'''Equipment''' ||<30% style="text-align:center">'''Location''' ||<25% style="text-align:center">'''ID Number''' || || || || || ||Convection tube ||[[ThermoCabinetBayB1|TD, Bay B1, Shelf #2]]?? || || ||Two stands w/ clamps ||[[ThermoCabinetBayB1|TD, Bay B1, Shelf #2]]?? || || ||Food dye ||?? || || ||1 L of water ||1 L beakers are located above the sink in the lecture demo room || || ||[[RedWhiteGasCart|Red and white gas cart]] ||Rooms 2013 and 2241 (2223 upon request) || || ||Burner || || || ||Matches || || || '''''Important Setup Notes:''''' * '''''This demonstration requires a supply of methane gas usually provided by the [[RedWhiteGasCart|Red and white gas carts]] found in rooms 2013 and 2241 (2223 upon request). ''''' * The glass tube is fragile. Handle with care.''''' ''''' ''Setup and Procedure:''' ''''' 1. '''''Mount the tube so that the opening is on the top (see photos) by gently clamping both vertical portions to the stands. ''''' 1. '''''Fill the tube with water so that the water level is about a half inch above the main tube (see photo). Try to get any air bubbles out. ''''' 1. '''''Connect the burner to the gas supply (red panel on the gas cart) using the attached red gas hose. ''''' 1. '''''Ignite the burner by opening the gas valve and lighting a match over the burner. ''''' 1. '''''Place the burner underneath one of the vertical portions of the tube and adjust the flame height accordingly by adjusting the gas valve. ''''' 1. '''''Add a few drops of food dye to the water through the top opening and watch them flow in the tube. ''''' ''Cautions, Warnings, or Safety Concerns:''' ''''' * '''''Careful not to burn yourself when working with the burner. ''''' ''Discussion:''' ''''' '''''Discuss the physics behind the demonstration, explaining some of the various steps of the demonstration when appropriate. || {{attachment:ConvectionTube01-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube03-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube04-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube05-250.jpg}} || || {{attachment:ConvectionTube06-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube07-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube08-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube09-250.jpg}} || || {{attachment:ConvectionTube10-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube11-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube12-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube13-250.jpg}} || || {{attachment:ConvectionTube14-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube15-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube16-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube17-250.jpg}} || || {{attachment:ConvectionTube18-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube19-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube20-250.jpg}} || {{attachment:ConvectionTube21-250.jpg}} || ''''' ''Videos:''' ''''' * '''''[[https://www.youtube.com/user/LectureDemostrations/videos?view=1|Lecture Demonstration's Youtube Channel]] ''''' ''References:''' ''''' * '''''List any references ''''' '''''[[Instructional|Home]] '''''