#acl snarf:read,write,delete,revert,admin FacultyGroup:read,write All:read = Chladni Plate: Violin, 3D40.32 = '''Location:''' * '''Cabinet:''' Waves & Sound (W&S) * '''Bay:''' (B4) * '''Shelf:''' #4 {{attachment:ViolinPlate-1.jpg}} '''Description:''' Insert description of apparatus, its component, what it is demonstrating. ||<:style="width: 60%" :40%>'''Equipment'''||<:30%>'''Location'''||<:25%>'''ID Number'''|| || || || || ||Chladni Plate: Violin||W&S, Bay B4, Shelf #4||3D40.32 || ||Pasco Driver||W&S, Bay A4, Shelf #1|| || ||Function Generator||EM, Bay B1, Shelf #3|| || ||Sand Shaker||W&S, Bay B4, Shelf #4|| || ||Extra Sand||W&S, Bay B4, Shelf #2 || || ||Tray|| Stock Cabinet || || ||Cables|| Stock Cabinet || || '''Setup:''' 1. Make a Setup check list. 1. ... '''Cautions, Warnings, or Safety Concerns:''' 1. List any Warnings.... 1. Demonstration may require practice. '''Demonstration:''' Insert description of demonstration, how is the demonstration preformed. ||{{attachment:ViolinPlate-2.jpg}}||{{attachment:ViolinPlate-3.jpg}}|| ||<-2:>{{attachment:ViolinPlate-4.jpg}} || '''References:''' 1. List any references [Insert a back link to main topic list] [[Demonstrations]] [[Instructional|Home]]