#acl snarf:read,write,delete,revert,admin FacultyGroup:read,write All:read ||<:30%>[[PiraScheme#Mechanics| Table of Mechanics Demonstration]]||<:30%>[[MEEquipmentList| List of Mechanics Equipment & Supplies]]||<:30%>[[Demonstrations|Lecture Demonstrations]]|| = Bicycle Wheel Gyroscope, 1Q50.21 = '''Topic and Concept:''' Rotational Dynamics, [[RotationalDynamics#Gyros| 1Q50. Gyroscopic Motion]] '''Location:''' * '''Cabinet:''' [[MechanicsCabinet|Mechanic (ME)]] * '''Bay:''' [[MechanicsCabinetBayB12|(B12)]] * '''Shelf:''' #1 {{attachment:BicycleGyro05-400.jpg}} '''Abstract:''' A spinning bike wheel with two handles is supported by a cable attached to one of the handles. ||<:style="width: 60%" :40%>'''Equipment'''||<:30%>'''Location'''||<:25%>'''ID Number'''|| || || || || ||Bicycle Wheel||[[MechanicsCabinetBayB12| ME, Bay B12, Shelf #1]]|| || ||Cable||For RM 2241, use short cable for bowling ball pendulum in [[MechanicsCabinetBayA7| ME, Bay A7, Shelf #2]]. For RM 2103, use short cable for bowling ball pendulum located in 2013 supply cabinet in the 2013 "prep area"|| || ||Long Wooden Rod||Located near rod & tackle cabinets near back doors to 2103 and 2241|| || '''''Important Setup Notes:''''' * N/A '''Setup and Procedure:''' 1. Suspend the cable from a D-bracket in the ceiling. This can be done by using the long wooden rod. See table below for location. 1. Clip the cable to one of the handles of the wheel. 1. Using one hand, grab the opposite handle, and position the wheel so that its rotational plane is vertical. 1. Using your other free hand, grab the tire, give it a good pull back, and release. 1. You can now let the wheel go freely. It will remain upright as it spins. '''Cautions, Warnings, or Safety Concerns:''' * Long hair, jewelry, and fingers can get caught in the spokes of the wheel especially when it's rotating. Be sure to exercise caution. '''Discussion:''' Once the wheel is spinning, it has angular momentum. The amount can be increased by making the wheel spin faster. Since angular momentum is conserved, the rotational axis of the wheel will remain in place. This would be the case if there were not any torques acting on the wheel. In our case, this net torque is due to the tension of the cable. The resultant effect is that our wheel precesses around the cable. ||{{attachment:BicycleGyro01-250.jpg}}||{{attachment:BicycleGyro02-250.jpg}}||{{attachment:BicycleGyro03-250.jpg}}|| ||{{attachment:BicycleGyro04-250.jpg}}||{{attachment:BicycleGyro06-250.jpg}}|| '''Videos:''' * [[https://www.youtube.com/user/LectureDemostrations/videos?view=1|Lecture Demonstration's Youtube Channel]] '''References:''' * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyroscope|Wikipedia - Gyroscope]] * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angular_momentum|Wikipedia - Angular Momentum]] [[Instructional|Home]]