Differences between revisions 2 and 10 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2009-08-24 19:57:51
Size: 363
Editor: trogdor
Revision 10 as of 2011-06-02 17:44:13
Size: 1271
Editor: trogdor
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Email: <<MailTo(cwilson AT SPAMFREE physics DOT wisc DOT edu)>>
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## You can even more obfuscate your email address by adding more uppercase letters followed by a leading and trailing blank. Check out the [[Scheduler]] program that generates lab schedules.

Notes on standard ComputerConfiguration for the labs

---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ----
More information on ImagingComputers including scripts and etc. Currently, this document and its companion document are undergoing revision. The current version is maintained as:
 * [[attachment:lab_imaging.ps]] and [[attachment:lab_imaging.html]]
 * lab_management (in progress)

---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
More information on ImagingComputers including scripts and etc. Currently, this document and its companion document are undergoing revision. The current version is maintained as:
 * [[attachment:lab_imaging.ps]] and [[attachment:lab_imaging.html]]
 * lab_management (in progress)

---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ----
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Office: 3118<<BR>>
Phone: 262-0629
|||| '''Contact Info''' ||
|| Email: || <<MailTo(cwilson AT SPAMFREE physics DOT wisc DOT edu)>> ||
|| Office: || 3118 ||
|| Phone: || 262-0629<<BR>> ||
|| [[http://www.doit.wisc.edu/wiscchat/|WiscChat (Jabber/IM)]]: || [[xmpp:cjwilson2@wisc.edu|cjwilson2@wisc.edu]] ||
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CategoryHomepage CategoryHomepage CategoryPeople

Chris Wilson

Check out the Scheduler program that generates lab schedules.

Notes on standard ComputerConfiguration for the labs

/!\ Edit conflict - other version:

More information on ImagingComputers including scripts and etc. Currently, this document and its companion document are undergoing revision. The current version is maintained as:

/!\ Edit conflict - your version:

More information on ImagingComputers including scripts and etc. Currently, this document and its companion document are undergoing revision. The current version is maintained as:

/!\ End of edit conflict

Instructional Computing

Contact Info


<cwilson AT SPAMFREE physics DOT wisc DOT edu>





WiscChat (Jabber/IM):


CategoryHomepage CategoryPeople

il: cwilson (last edited 2011-09-02 19:53:18 by trogdor)